Chapter 24 - Pigs

 The monsters began to fight each other, and Jason slowly approached the left side since the orcs were slicing the Viletooth with their weapons. They had the upper hand even if they were at the same level.

 Most of the orcs had clubs that looked like small trees as their weapons and a single bit of those could easily smash the heads of the Viletooth. Since they also had armor, Jason decided to snipe their backs from a distance and in a way that they wouldn't notice their allies falling from behind.

 When Jason reached that side of the area, he saw some orcs moving around the area. They weren't planning to join the fight, but they were carrying a bunch of weird things with them toward the west side. Shovels, scythes, stairs… a bunch of things that seem too odd for them to get interested in. Could they be planning to use them on their base?

Orc - Lv 50

HP: 1350/1350 (10.0 Regen)

MP: 340/340 (1.0 Regen)

SP: 480/480 (1.0 Regen)


Power: 105 - 145

Constitution: 135

Dexterity: 52

Magic: 34

Spirit: 34

Perception: 48

Available Status Points: 00


Titles: Minion (F), Soldier (F)

Bloodlines: Orc (E)

Skill: Herculean Strength (C), Cold Resistance (D), Fire Resistance (F)

Jobs: Crafter (E)

Job Skills: Craft, Repair, Forge


"This explains why they want tools… they have more skills and titles as well, that probably makes them better builders than the grey giants," Jason thought.

 Although it would make sense in games that he would find stronger monsters that could do more things, that was reality… Jason didn't want those things to keep appearing and multiplying on his planet. Fighting them was fun and all, but he couldn't kill them all by himself. Eventually, Earth will become a planet of monsters since there were no slimes for people to level up in the beginning and learn how to fight.

 Regardless, while the battle was unfold, Jason reached the back of the enemies… they had around two hundred of them, so he couldn't help but feel excited… he felt like his mood swings were getting worse the more he fought. As soon as the enemies began to march forward since they were overwhelming the vile-tooth, Jason started to his attacks… the first Mana Arrow hit the enemy on its nape, causing critical damage, but much to his surprise, the monster only lost half of its HP.

 Before the monster could turn around, Jason quickly fired another and killed the beast… although the creature was only a couple of levels higher than the Viletooth, they were a lot tougher.

(You obtained 520 experience points.)

 The monster fell to the ground, but thanks to the noise and the group's movements, no one noticed. It was a bit too much to hope that Jason would keep sniping monsters with only a single hit, but he was determined to do so. With that in mind, he used all his free points to increase his max damage, making it double.

 When Jason fired the next arrow, it hit the same part of another monster, but the creature fell dead instantly… Jason smirked. If he wanted, he could increase his max damage… as long as he keeps landing critical hits, they will always cause the maximum damage.

(You obtained 520 experience points.)

(You obtained 520 experience points.)

(You obtained 520 experience points.)

 When the Viletooth was finally eliminated, the orcs noticed that they were being attacked from behind. It was a bit too late for them, though. Jason had killed more than half of them, after all.

(Congratulations! You obtained the Title: Head Hunter (F) for killing one hundred enemies with a single hit without being noticed in quick succession. Power + 10)

 The enemies turned around to face Jason, but he kept bombarding them in their heads. The beasts shouted, enraged, feeling offended that a mere human had invaded their territory.

"Too bad for you guys, but you are the joke here," Jason thought.

 Twenty enemies fell before the first few could finally reach him. Jason didn't like the odds that much—sixty orcs against him—but he was fine with that since he wanted to master the ax.

 Jason pointed his ax to the neck of his first target and then used Charge. The impact between them made the weapon pierce the neck of the beast, but it also made Jason feel like his arms would crack. Despite that, he reached his goal.

(You obtained 520 experience points.)

(You obtained 05 TP.)

 The other monsters ignored their ally and swung their clubs at Jason, but he lowered his posture and avoided them. The clubs were smashed against the face and the chest of the first creature, and those were smashed as well, while the body flew backward and hit another orc.

 Jason charged toward that one and then jumped over the body and the beast before swinging his ax to his back and then hitting the back of the beast's head.

(You obtained 540 experience points.)

(You obtained 05 TP.)

 The beasts turned around to attack Jason, but they were welcomed by a barrage of Fireballs on their faces. They had armor covering their chests and joints, but their faces still were wide open… while the beasts were suffering in agony, Jason beheaded them with his ax.