Chapter 30 - True Fighter

 Jason tried several combinations, but soon he had to stop. The monsters were killed, and he felt his fingers cracking. The sudden change of movement and transference of energy was too powerful…

"I killed forty of them, and no level ups… I guess things are starting to get serious," Jason thought while looking around. "Let's see if I can turn these into something useful."

 Jason transformed his weapon into a dagger, grabbed one of the clubs, and began carving some spears out of them. That didn't take long at all… the knowledge of how to carve a spear had become instinctual to him, just like breathing.

 Once he finished the first spear, Jason used Heavy Throw on one of the walls of a nearby building. The weapon pierced it deeply and almost passed through it, but ultimately, it fell apart.

"This can be useful, I guess… I just have to make sure that they can be reused," Jason rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

 Jason carved four of those before heading to the west side of the area. Finding their camp had been easy since the vehicles that had been pulled left a trail outside it. It only took one hour of waking, and then Jason found an orc base. 

The camp was a testament to the orcs' raw strength and relentless determination. They had repurposed colossal logs and the remnants of shattered vehicles to create their stronghold.

As Jason approached the camp, an aura of rugged power enveloped the surroundings. The perimeter was marked by a sturdy wooden palisade woven together with massive logs, some bearing the scars of past battles. Interspersed between the logs are the remnants of destroyed vehicles, their twisted frames and mangled metal repurposed to fortify the defenses. These fragmented hulks serve as a constant reminder of the orcs' indomitable spirit.

The camp sprawled across the hill, utilizing the natural advantage provided by the terrain. Winding pathways, crafted from packed Earth and strewn with gravel, lead towards the summit. The hill itself is adorned with watchtowers fashioned from tall tree trunks, granting the orcs an unobstructed view of the surroundings. From these vantage points, sentries scan the horizon, ever watchful for signs of intruders.

At the crest of the hill, a mighty wooden structure loomed over the camp—a fortress-like building that houses the entrance to the orcs' forbidding dungeon. Constructed entirely from sturdy timber… Jason was left speechless… how the hell did they build such a camp in two days?

"This is bad… I don't think that these guys are the top of the cream when it comes to brains, but… Are other types of monsters smarter than them?" Jason thought while blinking several times.

Within the camp, the rhythmic sounds of orc labor resonated through the air. Orc blacksmiths wield hammers, anvils, and other tools to forge weapons and armor. The clang of metal on metal echoes from the smithies, where the orcs transform raw materials into finely crafted implements of war. Now honed to perfection, the orcs' weapons reflect their dedication and expertise.

A nearby river has become an invaluable asset to the camp. The orcs have skillfully redirected its flow through a network of trenches and channels. Water now courses toward the camp, serving multiple purposes. It forms a natural moat, bolstering the camp's defenses. The powerful current of the river is harnessed to turn water wheels, drive machinery, and facilitate various tasks within the camp.

 Those guys were too dangerous in more ways than one… they weren't only beasts. Given enough time, they probably could surpass the human race in terms of knowledge and advancement. Still, why did they come to Earth if they could do all that much? There should be other planets out there, massive ones if the planets grew like that after becoming part of the multiverse…

 In any case, Jason could tell that facing those guys during the day would be hard. Some orcs in the watchtowers had bows and arrows ready to be used… Jason wasn't confident enough that he could face an army on the ground while being targeted by a rain of arrows, at least not yet. 

"I guess I will keep watching them and get rid of those who leave their camps in search of resources," Jason thought. If things don't look promising here, I will hunt the Viletooth and get rid of their boss as well."

 Jason could see numerous campfires around the camp and torchlights on the walls, too. He won't be able to kill them in the darkness the same way he did with the gray giants. He will have to be smarter than those guys.

 During that time, Jason counted around one thousand orcs working there. Ten of them would leave the dungeon every five minutes, so their numbers would only increase… the newcomers left to gather resources around, and while Jason killed as many of them as he could, he could only cover so much ground. So, he focused on dealing with the ones that went to that piece of the city nearby and eventually leveled up.

(Congratulations! For being the first human to reach level fifty, the title True Fighter reached the rank (B). All regenerations of energy increased by one hundred percent.

"At least I reached this goal again… now I have to focus on something more difficult," Jason thought.