Chapter 34 - Direct Attack

 It didn't take long for the walls to begin to collapse. Jason would have a hard time knocking down the parts that were filled with the destroyed cars, but he was fine with letting those parts be for later…

 The orcs moved to the sides to escape the attacks when the first parts of the walls began to fall. Jason walked to the side and then began to spread the damage. The orcs thought that he would run out of mana soon enough, but that never happened… His mana regeneration was far greater than they had imagined.

 Around the time Jason destroyed one-fourth of the walls, he decided to target the watchtowers as well… They were a bit further away, and while the Fireballs would lose some power after flying for a while, and the arrows fired by the orcs also repelled some of them, it didn't take long for one of them to burn down and fall. When that happened, the orcs realized that they didn't have any other choice in the matter aside from confronting Jason directly once again.

"I have high enough Perception and Dexterity to kill them when they are ten meters away from me with ease, but it might not be enough against the boss," Jason thought when he saw the orcs charging at him again. "I should save the points for emergencies now."

The orcs, armed with their crude weapons and fueled by their instinct for survival, unleashed a barrage of spears upon Jason. The air whistled as the projectiles hurtled toward their target. Still, with a mixture of agility and skill, Jason swiftly dodged each deadly throw as if he were doing a weird dance. The ground shook with the impact of the spears as they buried themselves in the Earth, their intended victim having narrowly escaped their deadly trajectory.

Undeterred by their missed attack, the orc horde surged forward, closing in on their lone enemy. Their malevolent eyes gleamed with a fierce hunger for victory as they reached out to grab Jason. Jason, however, had anticipated their tactic and skillfully maneuvered, avoiding their grasp.

With every step, Jason retaliated. His pointy gauntlets, seemingly unassuming, became extensions of his determination and resilience. As the orcs lunged forward, he counterattacked with lightning-quick strikes at their throats, his gauntlets slicing through the air with razor-sharp precision. Orcs fell in droves, their monstrous bodies succumbing to Jason's relentless onslaught.

But the orcs were relentless in their pursuit, and they willingly threw themselves at Jason, sacrificing their lives for the chance to take him down. It was a desperate, frenzied battle, where the Jason found himself surrounded by an unyielding tide of adversaries.

With sweat streaming down his face and muscles strained from the exertion, Jason fought on for a while. When the battle ended, his gauntlets, now stained with the blood of fallen orcs, were lowered a little. 

 In the end, Jason kills half of them while the other half runs to the dungeon. He felt like sighing since that was a total waste of time.

"I suppose that this is also the best decision…" Jason thought as he checked his wounds and headed to the camp.

The once bustling hub of savage warriors was half destroyed, its defenses shattered, and its occupants nowhere to be seen. A heavy silence hung in the air.

Tattered tents flapped in the wind, their torn canvas revealing the inner chaos that had consumed the camp. Broken weapons and melted armor lay scattered around the area, bearing witness to the fierce clash that had taken place. The campfires that once roared with a menacing glow now lay extinguished. Their charred remains are a clear contrast to the surrounding desolation.

The silence was eerie, devoid of the rowdy clamor that once echoed through the camp. The absence of orcish voices and the absence of life altogether spoke of a defeated and scattered force. The remaining structures, now reduced to ruins, stood as hollow reminders of the once-imposing presence they held.

 The world was pretty much in the same state, so Jason didn't think much about it when he realized that he was causing as much damage as the monsters were causing to Earth.

 Still, Jason noticed that something was off in the dungeon. He could hear the sound of grunts of pain echoing inside of it. A certain thought crossed his mind, and he hurried up to check the place.

 After slipping downward to the entrance of the dungeon, which was a sloping tunnel, Jason confirmed that the monsters had begun to kill each other. He wondered what the hell was going on. Did they do that in order to prevent him from leveling up further? That was also something that would help their boss in the inevitable confrontation… still, that seemed something that he wasn't expecting even from monsters. However, Jason could only think that it wasn't everything.

 Jason dashed ahead to kill some of the orcs by himself, but he didn't reach them in time. They didn't try to fight and resist; they only killed each other just like that, and in the end, the final one alive went to the boss's chamber and had its head beheaded by the boss, who was sitting on a throne.