Chapter 39 - Goody Two Shoes

 While enduring the pain, Jason went to grab the enemy's sword. The fucking thing weighted over one hundred kilograms… Jason probably could swing it around from one side to the other like a moron, but he wouldn't be able to get any result while using it against other bosses.

"I guess I will put it in front of my house to scare any dumbass that might want to pick a fight with me… piercing on the ground deeply will do the trick," Jason thought and then went to look for the treasure on the dungeon. "Wait… the sunlight can't reach this far… so how come things are so bright inside?"

 Jason realized that he was forgetting to notice about a bunch of things since he was focused on fighting all the time. In any case, despite the pain and exhaustion, he was really looking forward to the treasure chest, and he eventually found it beyond the chamber of the boss… another golden treasure chest.

(For discovering another treasure by yourself, the title Treasure Hunter ranked from (E) to (D). +60% Experience gain.)

 Jason wanted some defensive gear that would be at the level of his infinite weapon, but instead of that, he found another scroll. He frowned a bit, but then he grabbed it.

(Congratulations! You received the knowledge to obtain the skill Herculean Strenght (F).)

Herculean Strength (F): Increases your Power by twenty points.

"Well, this was disappointing…" Jason furrowed his eyebrows. "Anyway, I guess I should take the bones of the boss… some of them."

 Now that the adrenaline vanished, Jason was tired and truly wanted to sleep. While he was working, he noticed that he had forgotten to check the status of the bone spears that he created and the sword of the boss.

Bone Spear (Uncommon)

A weapon made of bones.

Power: 10 - 15

Effects: Increased Damage of thirty percent when hitting enemies by surprise.

"No shit, Sherlock. If you hadn't said it, I wouldn't have known…" Jason said and then shrugged.

Orc's Red Queen (Rare)

A famous weapon wielded by the orcs that managed to rule many tribes.

Power: 50 - 75

Effects: HP Regen + 05

"Not bad…" Jason thought. "It is a pity that I can't use it.. not even carrying it is possible with this size. I wanted that effect, though."

 Around noon, Jason finished his job and then took the bones and the sword to his Jeep. Carrying those even there would be a massive pain in the ass, but he managed to pull it off.

 Just like he had planned, Jason made the sword pierce the ground of his front yard by jumping and then thrusting the weapon downward.

"If I remember correctly, there is a factory on the southern of the city… I could make some decent gear there," Jason thought once he jumped on the couch of his home. "Still, it will take a while to make anything truly decent… even though I have the knowledge, I did have the experience of making those weapons as fast as possible… I need more practice.".

 That was a pain… making weapons was easier. Jason felt, after fighting throughout the night, that if it was possible, it would take too much time for him to upgrade his bloodline. Might as well focus on killing the enemies as quickly as possible…

 At that moment, Jason had an idea… he felt that he would regret doing that, but he couldn't ignore it. The question would bother him for days if he ignored it. In the end, he used Complete Appraisal on his bloodline.

Ancient Warrior (F). HP Regeneration increased by 400%.

Rank Up: Recover naturally one hundred thousand points of health.

Progress: 0.9%

 Jason blinked several times and then eventually facepalmed. Complete Appraisal worked, but it revealed some crazy ordeal that Jason had to endure to get stronger and to evolve his title, Skills, and Jobs.

Herculean Strength (F). Increases your Power by twenty points.

Rank Up: Kill one thousand enemies

Progress: 0.0%

"This one seems a lot more feasible…" Jason nodded to himself in satisfaction.

 Speed Boost worked in a similar manner, but it required ten times more monsters. As for Appraisal, Jason had to use the skill fifty thousand times… that was one hell of a grinding. In any case, titles like Head Hunter would be relatively easy to rank up… Jason just had to hunt beasts at night and be sneaky about it.

"Now I have to organize my goals knowing all this," Jason thought and then fell asleep.

 Jason had planned to sleep until sunset, but he only woke around eight in the evening, and it wasn't because he was fully rested but because he felt some presence nearby. It was quite insane, but he heard footsteps two hundred meters away… even if the area was completely silent, that was quite something.

 Still, the footsteps didn't seem like they were trying to hide themselves… instead of assholes or monsters, what had arrived at Jason's territory had been a bunch of pain in the asses.

 Jason left the area and found a group of survivors walking around and checking the houses. He felt like sighing once he saw Helena. He wanted to stay away from the Goody Two Shoes, but it seemed that the Goody Two Shoes didn't want to stay away from him.