Chapter 46 - Spirit Bloodline?

 Jason's smiled in satisfaction, now he could use magic without his weapon… he was in need of that since he had a lot of mana regeneration and the magic that he could use didn't consume that much mana.

Closing his eyes, Jason focused his thoughts, tapping into the depths of his obtained knowledge. He could feel the energy within him surge, intertwining with the natural forces surrounding him. Slowly, he drew upon the wind's essence, allowing it to flow through his veins, merging with his own life force.

With a sudden burst of concentration, Jason released the stored energy, channeling it through his outstretched hand. In an instant, a gust of wind erupted from his palm, rushing forward with surprising force. Dust scattered in its wake, dancing in the air like playful spirits. The wind seemed to obey Jason's command, bending to his will as it weaved through the battlefield.