Chapter 79 - Lich

"The skeletons can use earth magic, so perhaps making bricks should be easy for them," Jason rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Putting that aside, it also means that a lot of them can be controlled or work together."

The corridors were quite thin, so facing a lot of the skeletons at the same time was probably impossible. Still, Jason wasn't expecting to meet them until he reached the last chamber of the dungeon.

Jason was expecting that the perhaps the boss would make the skeletons reach a higher level, but it seemed that they couldn't do that. That was convenient since it was one less thing to worry about. Still, crossing the dungeon without being attacked was annoying and nerve wracking.

"I will focus on using the rapier and on speed, against these odds, things should be fairly easier. The only question is what the boss should be able to do," Jason thought. "And what they are."