Chapter 114 - Surtr

As Jason looked at the hill, he noticed that the ice was not just a simple barrier but a thick, solid mass that seemed almost impenetrable. Despite this, there were telltale signs that the entrance had originally been made of more mundane materials—beneath the ice, patches of asphalt and plain earth were faintly visible, suggesting that the hill had formed over a more ordinary opening.

It was a bizarre sight, seeing the frozen landscape seamlessly integrated with remnants of human construction. The asphalt hinted at a time when this area had perhaps been part of a road or a developed space, now reclaimed by the strange and unpredictable forces unleashed by the appearance of the dungeons.

"I probably should charge a lot of poison and then cover the whole area before snipping them," Jason thought. "Still, they can probably use their heads a bit to disperse the poison with their numbers."