Chapter 116 - Roman Soldiers

Jason had a hard time fighting the itchiness in his back. Playing the role of a hero was just simply unnerving. Still, he soon recovered when some soldiers equipped with crossbows began to attack him.

The barrage of countless projectiles filled the space and almost hit him, but Jason protected himself with a wind wall. Some projectiles still hit him, but the damage was minimal since they lost most of their power.

"It does seem like they want to fight… huh?" Jason furrowed his eyebrows. "Well, if it is like that, then come and get it. This will be fun... This is the type of thing I like."

The enemies equipped their Shields and spears and resumed their charge. Even if Jason was alone, they weren't going to underestimate him. Still, that didn't mean much when Jason charged at them and then swung his hammer after activating the skill.