Chapter 118 - The search continues

Eventually, the gates of the fortress were open and soon Jason saw Gustavo and those three again. As expected, call him jaded, but Jason couldn't help but find it suspicious that those three were sticking with him so much. The first to realize Jason's thoughts was Helena and she couldn't help but let out a sigh since she also realized that just now.

"Well, this is unexpected," Gustavo said. "I didn't expect to see you come here so soon and wish survivors as well."

"Can't say that what I am seeing is that unexpected," Jason crossed his arms. "Anyway, I hope that you will treat them fairly since you are into heroing."

"Is that even a verb?" Gustavo asked while furroing is eyebrows.

"Who knows?" Jason said. "Anyway, my job here is done."

"Wait, Jason," Gustavo said. "It is getting late, why don't you spend the night here?"

"No thanks, I am fine," Jason said.