Chapter 128 - Again and again

"Obtain their power?" Jason asked.

"You should know by now, that the rewards for defeating them are items most of the time related to them," Thrud explained. "That is how the system works, they grant them the absility to return after dying and they use that mana to create rewards connected to them."

Jason found himself unsurprised by the revelation. It seemed to align with the everthing he had encountered thus far, adding another layer of complexity to the situation. However, despite the sense it made within the context, Jason couldn't shake the feeling of bewilderment at the inexplicable workings of the system they found themselves in.

Jason couldn't fathom why the system governing their world operated in such a manner. It seemed unnatural, as if the laws governing their reality were dictated by forces beyond mortal comprehension.

"Why the system works that way?" Jason asked.