Chapter 136 - The Real

As the group approached, they could see the signs of recent activity etched into the dungeon's walls. Scorch marks and patches of dried blood adorned its surface, a testament to the violence that had unfolded within its surroundings. Barbed wire and makeshift barricades encircled the perimeter, serving as a grim reminder of the fortress's defensive capabilities.

Before long, they saw a shadow moving in the interior of the dungeon toward them. The group raised their weapons and prepared for the fight. They opened their eyes widely when they saw a creature wearing a large cloak floating in the air. When the wind blew a bit more, they could see the face of someone who apparently looked dead… his face had no color, and his eyes had no light.

"... Leave," The creature said.

Everyone hesitated… the voice seemed more pissed than anything else, but they couldn't sense any bloodlust coming from it. In fact, they felt something like weariness coming from it.