Chapter 140 - Dangerous Option

"You are hiding a bunch of details, and it must be them…" Jason said. "Your orders still stand. Only kill those who will attack you first. What else did they tell you. Work harder to make me stronger, that will be the compensation for making me lose so much time and energy."

The Lich tried to resist for longer, using every ounce of his newfound strength, but ultimately, the outcome was the same. He relayed the events to Jason, detailing how Gustavo and the others faced attacks from multiple directions, just as Jason had predicted. The relentless attack of monsters created chaos, constantly threatening to overwhelm the group.

Despite their best efforts to fend off the attackers, the situation became increasingly difficult. Gustavo and the others were on the brink of being overrun when, unexpectedly, Thrud intervened. She chose to spare them, allowing their escape. This act of mercy was puzzling, leaving Jason and the group to question her motives.