Chapter 156 - Rarity

"That Lich can summon minions. Why isn't he doing that?" Helena asked while glaring at the Lich.

"... He probably will consume Jason's energy to do that, and the minions will consume Jason's energy as well," Janna explained while making some potions. "He will be in a bind if he can't use mana where he is."

"Jason didn't say when he would come, so can we count on him that he will come to help?" Rose asked with her arms crossed. "I have the feeling that capturing the enemies won't be easy. It should have a lot of requirements for him to pull off. We can't ask the Lich that, though.

The fact that Jason wasn't using the Lich to talk with them also showed how much busy he was. Thanks to that, Gustavo was starting to doubt that it was a good idea to wait for him. Still, they couldn't retreat much more since behind them, there was Thrud's territory. She was maintaining a neutral stance at that conflict for now, but that can change at any moment.