Chapter 187 - Invasion

It felt like Jason's ideas got worse as time passed… it wasn't like they hadn't used items made out of bones before, but taking it out from a fresh corpse would feel quite unsettling for obvious reasons.

Aside from that reason, Jason felt that the tomahawk would be a pretty good weapona against the giants. The only downside is that with their strength, they could smash everyone with just a few attacks, even if they aren't careless, so they had to assume a defensive stance or at least use some pretty good tactics and tricks.

Jason started with giving to everyone some bottles filled with purple liquid inside. When they smelled it, they felt their eyes blurring… such was the potency of the poison. At least their health didn't drop.

"Coat this on your weapons when the time comes. This is a paralyzing poison. Even scratches on the giants will slow them down even more," Jason declared. "Those who can use bows or crossbows should use them without hesitation."