Chapter 190 - Surrounded

With each hit, Jason landed with a resounding impact, driving the weapon deeper and causing significant damage.

The enemy's defenses crumbled under the relentless barrage. The strikes focused on the same area, accumulating damage with every blow. Finally, the force of Jason's attacks became too much to bear. With a final, devastating swing, the enemy's elbow broke under the pressure. The bone shattered, piercing through the skin in a gruesome display. The enemy cried out in pain, his arm hanging uselessly by his side as blood poured from the wound.

In that moment of pure agony, the enemy flinched, and then Jason was able to swing down his weapon, break through his defenses, and smash the enemy's head.

(You received 10.000.000 experience points.)

(You received 500 TP.)

(You leveled up and received nine status points.)

(You leveled up and received nine status points.)

(You leveled up and received nine status points.)