Chapter 194 - Rebels

The Amazons' base hadn't changed much since the last time, but now it was completely being defended by thousands of them. Jason could see the place one kilometer away at the top of a pile of rubble with relative ease. It seemed that they weren't going anywhere, knowing that the humans were there and could attack them.

"I guess I can snipe them five hundred meters away, but then they will hide themselves behind their barricades," Jason thought. "I guess the best option is to bring the fight to them."

While they were the easiest type of enemies to fight since they didn't have tricks, they were also a pain since they were strong individually and as a group. Their aura was powerful enough to scare most of their opponents and their bloodthirstiness was strong enough to paralyze those who didn't have much experience fighting.

"Anything new for the battle plan or just the usual?" Gustavo asked when he approached.