Chapter 203 - Trick

Montezuma ignored Jason's words and then fired a barrage of arrows at him. Jason dashed across the battlefield with a surge of adrenaline, his muscles straining as he skillfully dodged a relentless barrage of arrows. Each step was precise, his body moving with a blend of agility and desperation as the arrows whistled past him, some embedding into the ground mere inches from his feet. His heart pounded in his chest, but his mind remained focused, scanning for the next safe spot to leap to.

The T-rex chased after him, its massive jaws snapping shut with bone-crushing force. Each of its steps shook the ground, sending tremors that Jason could feel through his boots. The monstrous beast's eyes glowed with a predatory gleam locked onto Jason with a terrifying intensity. Its roars echoed through the battlefield, mingling with the clatter of arrows and the shouts of warriors.