Chapter 211 - Return

Since the bosses could retain their battle experiences even after being defeated, Jason knew that facing Caligula would be an even greater challenge. Each encounter with a boss allowed them to learn and adapt, making them progressively harder to defeat. This issue was really troublesome since it felt like one was facing a dark Soul boss that was leveling up with every defeat.

Caligula, in particular, was a formidable boss. His cunning and strategic mind, coupled with his battle-hardened experience, meant that he wouldn't be an easy foe to overcome. Jason was acutely aware that Caligula would likely exploit any weaknesses and capitalize on any moments of exhaustion.

"What is the plan, Jason?" Gustavo asked.

Jason studied the guys behind him. They looked a bit tired but not fearful. All the battles they had won without suffering any losses had boosted their morale that much. That was good; his plan had worked, and now he had to capitalize on it.