ForGetHer 7

"Your last name is Ballet you are Mr. Vincè Ballet, that is your full name am I correct?" after saying that Allen sipped wine from his glass

"You.. I can't believe this!!!!! Baron!!! Bring us more wine! How did you guess it?! That's correct I'm Vincè Ballet!" Astonished by the answer of Allen

"First when I asked you what type of dance that's going to be performed you said Ballet and you pronounced Ballet with such a proud face and voice, like the word Ballet itself is very important to you, second you can always chose from any different dance performances and lastly I've seen the spaces in the ballet costume closet which it looked like someone's going to perform ballet other than me so it boosted my second guess" they all listened to him while he's explaining

"Terrific!!!!! Very terrific!!!!! Allen can I pirate you myself??? I want you to work with me more and more!!" Mr. Vincè asked seriously

"I'm flattered Mr. Vincè but I'm a loyal employee and I'm committed to our company but thanks anyway" Allen already finished four glasses of wine

"That's a shame, even if the pay is five times higher than young master Rois?" Vincè tempted Allen

"Uh-huh even if the pay is ten times higher, I am not into money that much Mr. Vincè and I want to gain money from working hard and I'm not that materialistic enough to grab your offer and I don't want to disappoint my boss that's right in front of us so, I'm sorry" now he already finished a bottle of wine by himself

"You're making me to want you more Allen but ohh well if that's what you want I know you're in good hands so I'm not worried. Master Rois take good care of Allen okay? Then let's party for our new theatre!!! Drink up!!"

Now Allen almost finished drinking the second bottle and he's still drinking the wine away, Bary didn't even take a drop of wine because he's going to drive them back to the company while Charls was watching Allen and Vincè drinking while talking, he's especially eyeing Allen who's about to finish his third bottle of wine

"You did??!!" Allen talked loudly than necessary "no! You didn't!! That was awesome!! I really liked that one!!"

Starting to get irritated from all the noise and from the smell of the alcohol. Charles is becoming much more agitated to Allen who's talking like he and Vincè were old time friends who just reunited with each other after a long time

Bary new his Master for a long time now so he knew what his likes and what he doesn't like, clearing his throat "Mr. Vincè it's getting late now, we should go"

"Ohh yeah yeah, Allen let's drink again sometime okay?" Talking to Allen who's now about to finish his fifth bottle "you drink a lot, you're a heavy weight, see you soon Master Rois. Allen it's good doing business with you"

"Come on Allen" Bary tagged Allen in his arms who's drinking from his sixth bottle and chugging it "Let's go Allen you've drunk enough" Bary said angrily and dragging Allen outside the room to the elevator where Charls is waiting for them inside

"But this wine are all for free-hic, all I did was to dance and to guess a name to have that many-hic wine, right? -hic" Allen said whining

"The. Master. Is. Waiting. For. Us" Bary said entering the elevtor

"Ohhh I'm sorry for my behavior Master-hic oppps-hic sorry about that" putting a hand on his mouth and the other one to help him balance himself at the back of the elevator while keeping on hiccuping which earned a laugh from Charls and a shocked expression from Bary, he's shocked to see his Master laughing uncontrollably "ehh??? Master hic-is laughing?? wh-hic-y??" Charls composed himself before going outside the elevator not responding to Allen's question "why?" Now Allen's asking Bary

"Go. Inside. The. Car. Allen. Don't make me repeat myself" opening the door for his Master

"Tsssssss I. Know. Vary. You. Don't. Have. To. Tell. Me" Allen said copying Bary's tone, opening the door, entering the car and slamming the door like he's sulking

Another laugh erupted from Charls mouth echoing on the parking lot "you've found your match Bary, best of luck"

"Your not helping Master, if he throws up, I'll let you clean it" closing the door, now Bary is beyond pissed

"Drive slowly and put on Allen's seat belt" there's a smile that kept appearing on Charls lips

"Yes Master and he already did his seat belt" with that they drove away from the theatre building

"He's drunk but still aware of his surroundings, amazing" Charls can't hide his amusement

"Who's-hic drunk? Tell hic-me who's drunk?!" Allen manged to say that before dozing off

"And now his sleeping? Unbelievable, where are we going to put him to sleep Master?" Bary's driving so he's looking at his Master from the rear view mirror

"At his office bedroom we'll bring him there, at least we know he's safe in there" a smile still plastered on Charls face

"As you wish Master and it's good to see you smile and to hear you laugh again it has been a long time" Bary said pulling over to fill in the car's tank, Charls just fell silent and he's watching Allen's shoulder rise and fall while sleeping soundly in the front seat wondering that it really has been a long time since he has felt this kind of warmth inside his heart

"Master I have to start working on our plans for the theatre immediately, we need to start the first plan in motion" paying the bill before he started driving to the company building

"Then, when we arrive you work on that immediately I'll take care of Allen myself" speaking with a little hint of enthusiasm in his voice

"Are you sure you'll be fine doing that Master?" Doubt is evident in Bary's face

"Taking care of a drunk man is a piece of cake for me Bary" dismissing the topic

"Yes Master if you say so but still, I wish you good luck" pulling over at the company's exclusive parking lot in front of the elevator "We're here Master, do you need my help in carrying Allen to his room?"

"No, I can manage just wake him up" going out and opening Allen's door

"Allen we're here wake up" shaking Allen slightly

"Hmm-hmm okay" answering while he's still sleeping

"Wake up now" Bary getting a little impatient

"Yeah, yeah" still sleeping, he didn't leave Bary any choice but to use his ace card

"Allen. The. Master. Is. Waiting. Wake up!"

"Huh?! I'm up!! Jeez you're very impatient Vary no fun at all tsss" pulling his buckle off and getting out of the car "thanks for the ride Vary I'll never forget this muah!" Saying that before slamming the door close

"You really like to slam the door huh? Now come on get on the elevator and don't make me repeat myself" Charls ordering a drunk man to get on the elevator by himself

"Jeez okay, no fun at all thank you for bringing me home" saying with a bow before realizing "wait my apartment doesn't have any elevator did they installed one already?? Amazing!" Pressing the elevator button to open it "wooow this is a nice elevator! I can live in here! Big space, shinny floor and it's cold like it has an air conditioner wow"

Charls doesn't have a choice but to listen to Allen's blabber and watch the scene unfold in front of him

"Allen we're here come out" waiting for Allen to come out

"I will but why is my apartment have so may floors? It's just until fifth floor" pressing all the buttons before coming out "Master if I'm not being rude how did you know my apartment address?" Following Charls inside his office to the bedroom

"You should sleep here tonight and this is not your apartment this is your office" opening the bedroom door "come here and sleep now Alle-" he was cut off from Allen's actions. "what are you doing?" Confused from all that's happening

"I'm stripping to take a bath since I'm sleeping in the office room it's the right thing to do right?" Walking around with only in his boxers and Charls not being able to move or even to say a single word "now I have to wear pajamas right? Do I have one?" Facing Charls with a hand on his hip

"Ahem ahh you can wear everything that you're comfortable with" still not moving an inch from his spot like he was nailed on the floor