Bobby different capacity.

(Congrats to the Pelicans for making the playoffs and another chapter today!)

On my end.

Lucas drove me to a fried chicken place and ordered two orders of fried chicken, three coleslaw dishes, and a beer.

As soon as the beer came in, Lucas looked at the lady boss with the apron on and said:

"Ma'am, stick this beer in the snow for a while, otherwise it'll be too hot to drink. "

The boss's wife smiled, didn't say anything, and carried the beer outside.

I took a bite of the cold shredded potatoes, looked at Lucas and asked:

"Mr. Lucas, you seem to have a pretty free job! Will you still return the fat guy's cell phone?"

Lucas rubbed a peanut and grunted:

"What's the point of returning it? It's ours if we mortgaged it. "John, you're too simple.

"John, you're too naive. Do you really think there's only one business in the industry? It's all about getting money by any means necessary. "

"You think you can make money selling cigarettes and liquor in a liquor store? "

I sniffed and said:

"Do not rely on alcohol and tobacco, then rely on what ah?"

"By money laundering! "

Lucas raised his eyebrows:

" For example, you are a leader, others want to give you a gift, and can not send money directly, to buy you expensive cigarettes and alcohol! "

"And then you take the cigarettes and alcohol, sold back to the tobacco store, just sell cheaper! "

I smacked my lips, it seems that society is not as simple as I thought.

I thought about it, I saw Tom today, the thing that triggered the feng shui fish, and Lucas said again, let him give me some ideas!

And Lucas listened to the face of disdain:

"Tom that dog thing, a day in addition to pretending, on the whole of those unrealistic metaphysics, seems to be how high their own style, how cultured like! "

" But it is a dry construction site started a small garbage! "

"So, Brother Lucas, do you think I should go to the drinking party tonight?" I hesitated.

Lucas gave me a blank look:

" Why don't you go if you're going to rub it in? But I would like to advise you that even if they fight, you should not make a move. "

"Stay out of the way, and unless one of Mike's men has a knife in your hand, you stay out of Tom's way! "

"All right! "

I agreed, and didn't ask Lucas why; I couldn't tell you how I felt, but I trusted Lucas.

At this time the boss's wife will be cold beer brought in, I and Lucas each opened a bottle, just drink a mouthful.

Suddenly a police siren came and stopped in front of the restaurant. Through the glass of the door, I could clearly see four policemen getting out of their cars and opening the door in a flurry of activity.

The boss's wife was startled, and before she could ask a question, the leader of the law enforcement officers pointed at Lucas and me and scolded:

"The two of them, take them away. Take them away!"

Lucas and I looked confused, and I got up and asked:

I got up and asked: "Comrade, have you arrested the wrong people? We didn't do anything wrong, did we? We didn't do anything wrong, did we?"

The leader pointed at me and scolded:

"Don't talk nonsense, we'll talk about it in the office!"

"Take him away! "

The leader of the order, behind the three members, directly dragged me and Lucas out, escorted to the law enforcement car!

Inside the car, Lucas and I were surrounded by several members of the team, Lucas asked with a calm face"Dude, what police department are you from? What's wrong with us? "

The lead copilot looked back at the Lucas brothers and grunted:

"Memphis Central, you two are bold enough to mess with anyone. I heard this, and my first reaction was, "No, no, no, no.

When I heard this, my first thought was that the fat guy whose cell phone had been seized by the Lucas brothers couldn't afford to file a police report.

But the next moment, the words of the leader of the team made me realize:

"You guys beat up a student at the University of Memphis today, right? "A student.

"One student, two slaps, that's a big deal. "

Brother Lucas grumbled and continued:

"Buddy, I know the leader of the Scarabs, it's not that big of a deal to give face! "

"No big deal?"

The leader of the team teased with a smile:

"You two kids, also rushed really inch, you hit the student, is the mayor of the old Bobby's son!"

"Old Bobby personally called the captain, do you think it's a big deal?"

I and the Lucas brothers are stunned, also at this time I realized, why Bobby so crazy, indeed, people really have crazy capital.

I can only say that also point back, if ordinary students, this matter is probably so past .

Twenty minutes later, I and Lucas brothers into the house, one person a handcuffs, one end of the handcuffs on our hands, one end of the handcuffs on the radiator, we can only squat next to the radiator.

With his other hand, the Lucas brothers took a cigarette out of his pocket and gave me one.

I smoked and joked:

"Brother Lucas, you really big heart, come in and still smoke? "

Brother Lucas looked confident:

"It's okay, I know this director well. Besides, I just slapped that kid twice. Even if his father is the mayor, he can still shoot us. "I'm sure we'll just lose some money.

"I think we'll just have to pay some money and apologize, big people. They all want to save face! "

The Lucas brothers said lightly, but things are not as simple as we thought, can only say that I muttered Bobby's careful eyes, and my rival status on this matter of grudges added .

We had just finished our cigarettes when the door was pushed open and a man in his forties wearing a uniform and not angry walked in.

The man has a flat head, deep eyes, medium height, but his head is quite big. He is the director of this office, nicknamed Scar.

When the Lucas brothers saw Scar come in, they smiled and said:

"Brother! What's going on here? "

Scar pulled a chair and sat down, a serious face:

"Lucas ah, you say you usually fooled even if, how to go to school to beat students! "

"Or the mayor's son, you really know how to pick people! "

Brother Lucas had a helpless look on his face:

"I don't know who that student is, you just give a quick word, how to deal with it, compensation words say a number!"

Scar looked at me and sighed:

"The student said, if you give to take five thousand dollars, the matter will be over. "But he can't!

"But he can not! "

Big Head Zhou pointed at me and continued:

He said, "Your brother has a criminal record, so he's going to throw him in for a few days! "

I was not surprised to hear that, after all, I was Bobby's rival in love, and he wished me dead!

Brother Lucas said with a stony face:

"Buddy, can't you help me out a little more? I'll pay for it, it's not a big deal, just get over it!"

"Lucas, you should know, is it the money they want? They just want to be angry!"

Scar just finished speaking, the phone in his pocket rang.

Scar answered the phone, and immediately changed his face:

" Bobby leader? What are your instructions? "

" Hey, okay, okay! I understand!"

Scar hung up the phone after saying that, and I scoffed at his sudden change to a nodding attitude.

Scar put down the phone and looked at me and laughed:

"Kid, I underestimated you, you're Tom's man huh?"

" Your big brother Tom contacted Mayor Bobby, said to release you, how do you hit Mayor Bobby's son, how do people hit back on the line! "