Meeting the Chieftain


A sweet, soft voice whistled through the air within the room reaching the butch lady's ears.

She was prepared to attack Aaron once again when the low-tone voice called out to her, causing her to halt in their tracks. She stopped mid-motion and turned with a surprised look on her face.

"M-My lady chieftain," she said, making eye contact with the woman who had called her.

This woman was slender and dressed in a slightly loose kimono that was knitted in different colours and with flowery patterns of design. Her kimono was opened at its top to show off her smooth, slender shoulders and cleavage.

She was as attractive as she was fierce-looking. Her face was straight, with narrowed eyes and lips that parted slightly to reveal a bit of her slavered tongue.

She was King Elda, the chieftain of the Crimson Melon town.

King Elda gave Rhis a half, weakly formed smile that had her rethinking her actions. The butch lady who, a minute ago, yelled heavens down on Aaron, now trembled with fear before this woman.

The chieftain took slow, elegant steps as the studs of her sandals resonated the melody of her presence.

"What do you think you're doing, Rhis?" she asked in a tone of voice that did not suggest danger in any way.

Her voice regardless of what she said was inviting to whoever heard her speak. Aaron changed glances between the buffed up Rhis and this woman, whom she regarded as her lady chieftain.

"So she's the one... the chieftain," Aaron thought with a trickle of excitement.

Rhis rushed towards the woman and fell on both knees, shocking Aaron the more as he watched clueless. "F-Forgive me, my lady!"

"This slave walked in on me as I was bathing. I only lashed out to punish him."

The chieftain looked at Aaron briefly before turning back to her subject. She clicked her tongue and squatted down before Rhis. Her kimono retracted back in that pose, revealing more skin on her thighs than Aaron had seen earlier.

Rhis felt the soft touch on her chin. Elda's left hand unhurriedly lifted Rhis' face as she gazed upon her subject.

"Oh, my strong beautiful... beautiful Rhis," she said, stroking Rhis' cheek gently with the back of her hand and at the same time caressing her long blonde hair.

Rhis leaned her face towards the hand of her mistress as if yearning for more of her warm touch. She turned her face to feel every inch of the Elda's palm like a baby caressed by its mother.

Aaron was shocked again.

He couldn't believe how docile this beastly woman had become in front of the chieftain. However, he was no stranger to such a level of control on a person.

Even he knew how to do that. He was only surprised that a mere mortal could as well.

"She's surely using some sort of spell or charm," Aaron convinced himself in his head. He looked around briefly, hoping to find something to confirm his guess but there was nothing.

The air was free of magic and he was not under any spell himself. Aaron didn't want to take any chances since his powers were yet to come back to him completely.

Who knows what limitations he could suffer?

His mortal guard was up around this woman as he watched her feed Rhis with her gentle touches and stroking of her hair and as he did, one thought crossed his mind.

"That woman is not ordinary."


"Wooaahh! You have... got... to be... kidding me!"

Elsa was mesmerized by the internal decoration of the dining section of the castle.

"You like it?" the help asked.

"Are you serious right now? Of course, Elene! It's beautiful!"

Elsa had learned the help's name and was getting more familiar with her the more they spent time together.

Elene put her hand over her mouth and chuckled.

"Please have a seat, Elsa. The lady will join you shortly," Elene said, gesturing for her to take a seat among the long line of chairs arranged around the long, decorated table.

There were many kinds of foods and fruits on the table, even some that Elsa had never seen with her own two eyes. At different positions on the table were lit, fragranced candles that accentuated the beauty and scent of the scene, matching perfectly with the colourful setting.

The room was high as it was wide, enough to host tens of people easily.

Elsa sat down but still couldn't help looking around to see every corner of the place. It was incredible and never would she have dreamt of being in such a place.

Elsa was thankful that she agreed to come with her master as opposed to her initial decision to stay back at the clinic.


Her stomach grumbled, gaining her attention even if it was for a short time and the sight of the varieties of food before her wasn't helping matters.

With each dish she looked at, her belly rumbled even more violently.

Elene had left and she was alone in the large dining room.

She glanced around the room, making sure she was truly alone. "Just one wouldn't hurt, would it?" she thought out of desperation.

But the thought of her master's reaction when he found out how uncultured she had acted bothered her even more and she withdrew.

Elsa relaxed on her chair, becoming too comfortable while sighing.

"Can they just come already?"


"You do realise, Rhis," King Elda said, standing up and looking at Aaron.

"That young handsome man over there..."

She locked eyes on Aaron and gave a halfhearted smile.

" my guest."

The chieftain walked past Rhis, who was still astounded on the floor and headed towards Aaron.

Her hand stretched out and caressed Aaron's fully grown hair.

"Hmm..." she muttered. "I apologise for this mess that this child of mine made."

Aaron felt as if the chieftain was being sharp-elbowed, as though she expected a reaction from him that he was not giving.

That was it! Aaron had figured it out.

He had figured out the reason why her subjects and slaves seemed to be wrapped around her fingers too easily.

It was the most obvious and yet the most inconspicuous thing.

Her touch was her charm.