Strange Fellows

Words didn't need to be said because every person who was present in the Green Patrol building, who witnessed the bland exchange of pleasantries, would know immediately that these two women didn't like each other one bit.

Souzane didn't hide her disdain for the elder. She had always said that since Elder Lin stole her brother, Tazane, from her she had always hated her. As Souzane would always curse Elder Lin, "That old hag!"

However, with Elder Lin, it was different. She held a friendly gaze and smile on her face with her hand extended towards Souzane, who blatantly disrespected her by not taking the hand. Aaron was watching, noting the signs that every other person failed to notice.

The body language between the two women. Their expressions and whatnot.

After a more thorough analysis from his end, Aaron came to one conclusion about the older of the two women — Elder Lin.

"She's not ordinary," he thought to himself while still calmly observing them.