Demon King Starts His Undercover Life as a Student of Magic (2)

The aura of every mage who was present within the four walls of this hall was noteworthy — from the Five Elders, who sat in front and oversaw the gathering, down to other members of this council.

However, Nyx was not even a bit flustered as she easily resisted their aura like it was nothing. Compared to the power that her master was capable of exuding from his body, these mere mortals wouldn't be able to make her break a sweat but they didn't know that.

Nyx nodded in agreement after one of the Five Elders had thrown a question at her, seeking her answer as to why she was summoned.

"Yes. I am aware as to the reason why I have been summoned, Lord Hansel," Nyx responded as she stared at the old man with dark brown, mildly spiky hair, who had questioned her.

Lord Hansel nodded slightly, showing satisfaction with her response as he leaned a little bit forward.

"Well then," he said. "Anything you want to tell us, Nikola?"