Tartarus Guild Starts To Move

With one of his underlings relaying the current status of things to him, the Guild Master of the Dark Tartarus could not afford to stay on the defensive for the Deputy Director to meet them.

'Offence is also the best form of defence,' Master Kiron thought to himself as he dismissed his underling with a wave of his hand.

Once alone, Kiron's eyes moved outwardly in the direction from whence he summoned a young man with long dark blue hair and fine glassy eyes.

"Lancelot," Kiron called and a long pause followed between the two men.

The man, Lancelot, had just entered the room with his arms busy, trying to hold six packets of chips in place, as he walked into the room.

He looked at Kiron and blinked several times in a second. Lancelot couldn't talk as he had stuffed his mouth with chips and the only sounds that Kiron could hear from his end were crunchy and crushing ones.

Kiron looked at him and blinked as well.