The Fiend, The Wolf And The Mask

The Zeta ranked Grey Wolf, Amaric, was the captain of the mage station situated closest to the city mall, and now his squad was faced with one of the rarity of a threat to have in the world — a Horned Fiend.

Clashing with the fiend in its new form, Amaric could already tell from this singular exchange of blows that it was going to be a difficult battle. Right now, he and the fiend were pushing and shoving each other in a bid to gain the advantage in terms of raw strength. Glancing around him and seeing the palpable fear in the eyes of his comrades, Amaric knew, in that instant, that he could afford to lose.

After all, his loss meant the massacre of the entire squad. From the sheer exchange he just had with the Horned Buffalo Fiend, Amaric concluded that it was only he who could manage his own against the fiend.

"I will take you on, monster!" he blared, his gritting teeth turned into a crazed grin as he screeched a step forward.
