[R-18] Garette the popular lone-wolf 2.

"Do you not prefer girls who are like princesses?" Dyanne embodied that princess-like demeanour, and Garette quickly grasped the implication of his words after she questioned him.

"Oh, no, I do," Garette hastily corrected himself. "So, would you like a drink?"

"What options do we have?" Dyanne asked.

"We've got juice, soda, and alcohol," Garette answered.

"Can we have alcohol?" Dyanne asked excitedly.

"My parents are away on a business trip, so yeah, we can have alcohol," Garette informed.

"In that case, alcohol it is!" Dyanne cheered.

A few minutes later, Garette and Dyanne found themselves in Garette's slightly messy room, savouring wine and potato chips. With two glasses of wine in their systems, they started to feel the warmth.

Garette kicked off by shedding his hoodie and school jacket, prompting Dyanne to do the same.