020 - I'll kill anyone who tries to take you away from me.

As Arette continued to cry uncontrollably after Garette and Dami had left, Dominic found himself at a loss for how to comfort her.

Though the incessant sobbing got on his nerves, he couldn't help but empathise with her situation, drawing parallels between her parents' disappearance and his own mother's cruel death.

He understood the profound pain it caused.

While he wasn't shedding tears like Garette and Arette, Dominic knew the feeling of emptiness all too well, a constant companion for years that was perhaps even more agonising than crying.

Unable to tolerate the situation any longer, Dominic instructed everyone in the VIP room to leave, leaving him alone with Arette.

"Come here," he commanded, but Arette made no attempt to comply.

Sighing heavily, Dominic rose from the couch and walked over to where Arette was curled up.

Gently, he lifted her up in a bridal style and settled her onto his lap.