Hurt her intentionally

The first rays of morning sunlight filtered through the windows as Dominic's eyes fluttered open. 

He glanced at the clock, noting the time—5:30 am.

 An early start was exactly what he needed to get his mind off Arette, the woman who had been occupying his thoughts ever since she stepped into his life. 

He slid out of bed and made his way to the gym and shooting range in another part of the mansion.

Dominic's footsteps echoed in the vast space as he began his cardio routine on the treadmill. 

With each rhythmic stride, he felt his muscles loosen and his mind clear.

 He switched to working on his glutes, focusing on the burn in his muscles to distract himself from the nagging worry about Arette's well-being. 

Was she still upset? Has she gotten a good night's sleep? He fought the urge to check on her, knowing it was too much.