The crazy lady.

Dominic couldn't expose that he was after world Domination, so he offered a vague smile, opting for: "We see it as an opportunity to diversify our portfolio and explore new avenues of growth."

Mr. Smith nodded, though a hint of scepticism lingered in his eyes. "I see. Well, let's continue with the discussion."

Mr. Smith's perspective of Dominic was similar to that of the police.

He saw Dominic for who he really was behind the façade he was putting on for the public.

Normally, he wouldn't have agreed to hand Buzztalk away, especially to someone as shady as Dominic, but Dominic was offering a huge amount of money that was twice as much as the total worth of Buzztalk

Taylor Smith would be an idiot to reject his offer.

After the discussion, Dominic and Taylor Smith proceeded to review the acquisition documents meticulously.