So everything he said about Dominic Ferrari is true.

Dyanne and Garette walked through the gritty streets of South C, their footsteps tapping a rhythm on the cracked pavement. The excitement from Arette's performance had faded, leaving a residue of tension.

Dyanne's mind was a buzzing hive of questions stemming from curiosity she could no longer contain.

"Garette," she began, her voice a curious blend of scepticism and concern, "What exactly is going on with your sister?"

Garette didn't want Dyanne involved in the drama of his life. He was afraid she would leave him, and being an expert at dodging serious conversations, he looked genuinely puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Dyanne rolled her eyes, silently cursing his apparent obliviousness.

"I mean, she looked like she was in some kind of trouble. The way she asked me to look after you—it was like she was saying goodbye or something."