Mrs. Dubois

Dyanne was scared, but she knew she had to maintain her composure if she wanted to avoid the situation escalating into something huge.

First, she grabbed the comb teeth off the floor and reattached it to the bottom with shaky hands, letting out rhythmic breaths as she placed the blood-stained comb in her purse.

She looked around to see if there was anyone nearby or any CCTV cameras. Once she was sure that no one had seen her commit the murder, she began to wipe the blood splattered on her face with her vibrant yellow Y2K jacket.

Looking around once more before she left, she spotted an old surveillance camera, which sent her anxiety through the roof. She tried to keep her composure, telling herself, "It wasn't filming because it's old."

Folding her blood-stained jacket, she ran away from the dead body and bolted into a vacant moving taxi. "South Hill, please."