No one messes with my daughter and gets away with it.

Then, he wondered if he should tell Dami everything so he could get help since going to the Orange Orphanage had been a dead end, but he quickly shook off the thought. He needed to sort things out himself.

After this, Garette headed straight to Dami's home and knocked. Dami immediately opened the door and let him in.

"Garette, what happened to you?" Dami exclaimed, her eyes widening as she noticed his bruises.

Garette sighed, wincing as he touched his sore face. "It's a long story. There was a fight at school. Some guys were spreading horrible rumours about Dyanne and handing out these disgusting flyers. I lost my cool and... well, things got out of hand."

Dami frowned, her expression filled with concern. "Garette, you know getting into fights won't solve anything. What did the principal say?"