I can't do this without her.

As Mrs. Wolfe entered Arette's room that morning, she was taken aback by the sight of the usually vibrant young woman who now appeared hauntingly pale, with lips drained of colour, and deep, dark eye bags that spoke of sleepless nights. Arette's frail form barely moved as Mrs. Wolfe approached, but the older woman's expression showed a strange satisfaction at seeing her in such a state.

Clara and Beth carefully supported her fragile body, their touch gentle and respectful as they bathed her. Clara poured warm water over Arette's skin, while Beth meticulously washed her hair with a mild shampoo, being mindful of her weak condition. They dried her body tenderly with soft towels, ensuring not to cause any discomfort.

Next came the task of dressing Arette. They selected a loose, comfortable outfit suitable for her current state, gently slipping it over her weakened frame. The whole process was done gently, as if they were handling a fragile porcelain doll.