You have the audacity to raise your hands to hit me?

A month had passed. Garette and Dyanne's relationship was moving well. Garette hadn't received a reply from Evelyn Harper and things had remained the same with Dominic and Arette.

Only that Arette had grown more temperamental, so much so that not even Mrs. Wolfe or Sabrina dared to come close to her.

In one of the living rooms, Mrs. Wolfe and Sabrina were discussing the day's tasks.

"Miss Arette's temper has been getting worse," Mrs. Wolfe said quietly, glancing towards the stairs. "We need to be extra careful around her." Normally, Mrs. Wolfe wouldn't care about Arette, but the fact that she was carrying Dominic's baby made her grow worried for Arette.

Sabrina nodded, her eyes wide with concern. "Yesterday, she snapped at me for just knocking on her door. I don't know what's causing her to be so angry."