Damien did it.

His heart in his throat, Dominic leaned over her, his fingers trembling as he reached out to touch her. He gently moved the hair off her face, revealing closed eyes and a pale, still countenance. His hand shook as he touched her cheek, pleading for her to wake up.

"Please, please wake up," he pleaded, his voice barely more than a whisper. He lightly shook her shoulder, his heart constricting with each moment that passed in silence. But Giselle didn't move, didn't react, didn't breathe.

As the car came to a stop, other motorists who witnessed the accident stopped to help. They quickly dialled for an ambulance and emergency services.

Some of them rushed to the car, trying to assess the condition of the passengers. Dominic was in severe pain, whimpering as he was pulled free from the wreckage. His arm was clearly broken, and he was also bleeding from the back of his head from the impact.