CH 22 - ATLA 21 - Reunion With the Gaang

I've returned from the funeral and holiday stuff with the family, and I'm now back at my own place. I'll be able to get back into writing, so hopefully, I can return to the regular schedule. Thank you for the understanding through these past few weeks.

(Word Count: 2,592)

 "My word! The exquisite mosaic handiwork of this tile-rendered avian symbol!" I heard Zei gushing at the mosaics.

That was all they could do before Wan Shi Tong let out a shrill cry. They heard the giant flapping wings and the spirit's shriek and they ran to hide behind the nearest shelves. The spirit landed on the bridge where they were. The bird looked towards where they were hiding.

"I know you're back there."

Meanwhile, I didn't bother with the stairs to get up there. Instead, I used a combination of Chi Enhancement and Earthbending to launch myself up from one bridge to the next.

Professor Zei stepped out of their hiding spot and greeted the spirit. "Hello! I am Professor Zei, head of anthropology at Ba Sing Se University."

Wan Shi Tong was not impressed. "You should leave the way you came, unless you want to become a stuffed head of anthropology."

That was as far they could get before I took one final leap and landed on the bridge next to them. I dusted myself off, and smiled at the group. "Hello there!"

Aang, Katara, and Sokka smiled and shouted, "Master!"

The three ran forward and gave me a hug. "Oof! Haha, hey kids. I've missed you too!"

Professor Zei gulped at my appearance and stepped back.

I turned to Wan Shi Tong. "Wan Shi Tong, allow me to introduce you. These are my students, the Avatar, Aang, and Sokka and Katara, of the Southern Water Tribe. You already heard Professor Zei's name."

"I don't care very much for humans, Callan Stone. You should know this. They need to leave," Wan Shi Tong said dismissively.

"What do you have against humans?" Aang asked. As the Avatar, it was his duty to resolve conflicts between the spirits and humans.

"Humans only ever bother learning something to gain an edge over other humans. Like that firebender that came a few years ago, looking to destroy his enemies," the spirit explained, "So, who are you looking to destroy?"

"But haven't you let Master Callan stay here to learn?" Sokka asked.

Wan Shi Tong looked back at me. "I am not unaware of what he has been studying these past few weeks. He too is only interested in destroying his enemies."

I looked at him questioningly. "I won't deny that I've learned a lot of things useful for combat, but I've also spent quite some time learning spiritual meditations and seeking a better understanding of myself. Though, if you knew what I was studying, why did you allow me to stay?"

Wan Shi Tong sighed. "As much as I hated the thought of my library's knowledge being used for more violence, your mind is a treasure trove of otherworldly knowledge. I couldn't resist."

The others looked at me in awe, even Professor Zei seemed to change his mind about me. "You were able to teach an all knowing spirit?" Katara asked.

"Enough of this," Wan Shi Tong said angrily. It must not have liked that idea. "Leave my library at once. Callan Stone, I believe you've overstayed your welcome. Fetch your things and leave with them."

I just nodded. I've had about enough of the library anyway, having already explored all the avenues that I could think of. "Very well, then." I bowed to the spirit. "Wan Shi Tong, it's been an honor to stay here. Thank you for all of your hospitality these past few weeks."

I turned to the group. "You all head back up. I need to grab my things, and I'll meet you outside." The sandbenders shouldn't have come so soon yet, so just the group heading back out should be enough to fend them off, thus saving Appa.

"What? but… my intelligence…" Sokka trailed off. There went his plans to gather intelligence for the war. Wan Shi Tong gave him a deadpanned look. It was right after all. 

"Don't worry Sokka, we can find your intelligence somewhere else," Katara comforted him.

They looked a little guilty about me being kicked out, but they did start to go back up the rope. 

"Wait! I can't leave now! This is my dream!" Professor Zei said in a panic. "Please, I won't abuse this privilege! I only want to learn!"

Wan Shi Tong bent down to get a closer look at him. 

"Very well, I will let you peruse my vast collection. On one condition. To prove your worth as a scholar, you have to contribute some worthwhile knowledge."

Professor Zei eagerly dug a book out of his pack and knelt down to present it to the spirit. "Please accept this tome as a donation to your library."

"First edition, very nice," Wan Shi Tong said, pleased with the book. "You may stay and enjoy the hospitality of the library."

I ran back down, fetched my things, and came back up to meet with Wan Shi Tong.

"Wan Shi Tong, here are the scrolls that I had in my room for study."

The spirit waved a wing over them, and they were gone. 

"I did transcribe some techniques onto some spare parchment, was that okay?" I asked. I didn't want it to think all humans were thieves and liars.

"You can take transcribed copies with you, so long as the originals stay with me," the spirit said, and flew off.

"Not one for goodbyes, huh?" I said to myself as the big bird disappeared from sight.

I made my way back out of the library, squinting at the bright sun. I've spent too long down there in the dim lantern light. When my eyes cleared, I could see Appa resting in the shade. On Appa's back, I could see the new addition to the Gaang, Toph.

I didn't bother with the stairs that I had created and jumped down into the sand, landing with a heavy crash. 

"What was that?" Toph asked.

"That was Master Callan Stone, Toph," Katara answered. "We found him in the library!"

"Oh?" Toph looked towards where I had landed with interest. "Hey, you!" She called to me.

"Hello," I greeted.

"I heard you were a powerful earthbender!" Toph called.

"I would say so, yes?"

"When we get out of this desert, fight me! I want to see if you live up to all of the hype everyone's been giving you. I'll show you what real earthbending looks like!" Toph demanded.

I laughed. In the show, Toph was one of my favorite characters. She was a tiny little girl, but packed the biggest punches in the show. Seeing her in person though, the juxtaposition was cute. "Alright, I'd love to spar with you. You're the one they found to be Aang's earthbending teacher, right? What's your name, kid?"

"I'm not some kid. My name is Toph! I was the champion of the Earth Rumble in Gaoling city!" Toph boasted.

"My name's Callan Stone. You're blind, right? It must be rough out here in the desert."

"Tch! I don't need any of your pity! I can see just fine! Just… not here. The sand shifts too much," Toph started off angry, but then trailed off.

"You can see through the vibrations in the ground, right? That's impressive, Toph. You're the only other earthbender I've come across that can do it."

 Toph leaned forward against the side of the saddle. "What! You can do it too? How'd you learn it?"

"Just experimenting on my own." With a stomp, and pushing my hands out in front of me, the sand in front of us solidified into sandstone. "There, I've created a solid surface of sandstone for you, if you want to get a better look at me."

Toph didn't hesitate to slide down the side of Appa. When her feet touched the stone, she gave a light tap with her foot. "You don't look like much," she said dismissively.

I chuckled. Not to brag or anything, but I was huge now. So she was only saying that to get under my skin.

"Toph, don't be rude to Master Callan!" Katara chided her.

"Whatever, Sugar Queen, if he wants my respect, he has to earn it!"

Aang, Sokka, and June came over.

"So, what brings you all out here to the desert?" I asked, even if I knew the answer, it was only polite to ask.

"Well, we were taking a small mini-vacation to the Misty Palms Oasis, which did NOT turn out like we thought it would. We were in the restaurant to get some icy drinks, and we ran into Professor Zei! He told us about the library, and we decided to help him find it! We were going to gather information on the Fire Nation, but now we're kicked out!" He couldn't help but look at me aggrieved at me ruining his plans.

"Well don't look too down, I actually have some gifts for you guys!"

"Really?" Sokka's eyes lit up at the thought of the gifts. I dug through my pack to get the scrolls that I had transcribed.

"Yup! Here, Aang, this one's for you. These are ancient techniques called Spirit Projection and Flight. You should be able to get a grasp on Spirit Projection as you are now, but Flight is a bit special. You remember those chakras I told you about? When you are able to open all of them, you'll be able to fly as you please without a glider. It's said that the Airbending master that mastered this never touched the ground again."

Aang's eyes lit up, and took the scrolls. "Whoa! I heard about him! You found his technique?"

I took out the next scroll. "Sokka, this one's for you. It's a scroll about Chi Blocking. If you master this technique, you can temporarily take away someone's bending. Among other things."

Sokka took the scroll eagerly. "Like that crazy girl!"

'Crazy girl? Ah, they should have already met Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee,' I thought.

"Crazy girl?" I asked.

"Yeah, we were chased by a group of girls, one of them shot lightning at us, and another was able to stop Katara from bending! She could even keep up with me when I was using your Chi Enhancement technique! She made my arms noodles!" Sokka complained, as if the last bit was the worst offense.

"That does sound like Chi Blocking. Looks like it's still practiced. With this, you'll be better prepared to fight against her in the future. As for how she could keep up with you, some martial artists are able to use Chi Enhancement unconsciously, or perhaps she's using the same technique. Either way, she sounds very dangerous."

Lastly, I took out a scroll for Katara. "Katara, this one's for you. It's an ancient waterbender's technique that has to do with calming angry spirits." This was the technique Unalaq used in Legend of Korra. "I'm not sure if you'll have to use this at all, but it is a new bending technique."

Katara squealed in excitement and hugged me. "Thank you! Are you kidding? We've already run into several angry spirits! This is great! Thank you!"

I smiled, "I'm glad you like it." I returned the hug with one arm, since the other was still holding the scroll. "Here."

Katara realized she was hugging me and jumped back. "S-sorry," she said shyly and took her scroll.

I thought nothing of it and moved on. I looked at Toph apologetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't get any techniques for you."

Toph just waved me off. "I wasn't expecting one anyway. More importantly," she turned to grin wolfishly at Katara. "It seems Miss Sugar Queen has a little crush on someone."

Katara turned beet red at being outed, and yelled at Toph, "B-be quiet, Toph!" Both Sokka and Aang frowned at the thought. Sokka because she was his sister, and Aang out of jealousy.

"What? You can't handle a little teasing?" Toph asked with a laugh.

I stepped between them before they could get into a fight. "Alright, you two, no fighting." I ignored addressing the crush. "I have one more thing to give you all as a group."

I pulled out the copied information about the Fire nation. A map of the islands, the date of the solar eclipse, and the date of Sozin's Comet.

"Sokka, this is the information on the Fire Nation you were looking for, and much more! You see, there's soon going to be a solar eclipse, even before the coming of the comet."

"What's a solar eclipse have to do with anything?" Toph asked.

"Well, you know how a waterbender's bending is influenced by the phases of the moon? With a new moon, their bending is at their weakest," I hinted.

Sokka's eyes widened in realization. "No way! Their bending will be at an all time low! That will be the perfect chance to attack the Fire Nation!"

I had debated with myself for a long time whether or not I should give them this information. The attack on the "Day of Black Sun" had ultimately failed, and a lot of people were captured. However, this information caused them to go to Ba Sing Se, which exposed the Dai Li's corruption and freed the Earth King from their influence, helping him step up as a true ruler.

In the end, I chose to share it with them. I was planning on leaving this world soon, and I wanted to get things back to as close to canon as I could before I left.

"They don't just get weaker, they lose their firebending completely during the eclipse. It's a brief window of about 15 minutes, but it is the best time to launch an attack."

"We have to get this information to the Earth King!" Aang said. The group looked hopeful.

Right about then, I spotted a couple of sand sailors approaching. "Sandbenders!" I warned.

Everyone looked at the approaching boats. Sokka knew what was up instantly, and drew his boomerang and his sword. He had stopped using his club/machete once I taught him swordsmanship.

"What's going on, are they enemies?" Aang asked when he saw Sokka drawing his weapons.

"We saw them on our way out of town eying up Appa. There's only one reason why they would have followed us all the way out here. They want to rob us and take the bison."

Aang scowled in anger. "They want to take Appa!" He nearly snarled. He readied his staff. It was very contrary to the usually happy go-lucky boy that I've come to know. It goes to show just how much Appa meant to him.

"Don't worry, Aang, we won't let them take him," Katara said, though she felt a little useless out here in the desert.

"Don't worry too much, guys, I've got this handled." I stepped forward, drawing my sword from my back. Then, with a push of metalbending, it shot forward out of my hands and towards the oncoming boats.

Far in the distance, everyone watched as my sword cut apart the sails of each boat, including the rigging. That will keep them stranded out here for hours, maybe even a day or two, depending on if they've got spare sails or not.

They were too far away from us to threaten us, so we could just leave now before they could attack.

I sheathed the sword as it returned, and turned around to see everyone gaping at me. 

"D-did you just metalbend your sword?" Sokka asked.

"Yup," I said smugly.

"You can bend metal?" Katara wondered.

"What!?" Toph shrieked.