A new enemy

About thirty minutes had already passed since the departure of the merchants' group from the city of Solis. During this time, the two captains were reporting to King Cirion. In the throne room, the council members were also present to learn about the captains' report since they were the ones who had sought their aid.

The throne room was grandiose, a marvel of architecture. The ceiling was about thirty meters high, and each wall was adorned with magnificent decorations, such as portraits of the king and his family, as well as other works worth a fortune.

There was also gold, lots of gold, enhancing the luxurious aspect of the throne room, adorning the walls, the king's throne, and even the chairs on which the three elders of the Grand Council sat.

Not to mention the famous forty-meter-long red carpet, starting from the grand entrance door and ending in front of the throne's few steps.

- Your Majesty. Said the captains, respectfully bowing to the king. "We greet you, members of the council," they added, also bowing to the council, considered "the authority" throughout the entire world of Aspell.

- My dear captains, I am listening. Said the king.

Clifford spoke first to explain the outcome of his battle to the king:

- I dealt with the fugitive known as Alpheus Lakeman. He was not weak; he used three elements during our fight, and I believe he mastered others. But I disposed of him without much difficulty.

- I see... So this Lakeman could have become a dangerous criminal. I hope he is truly dead. Said the king.

- Yes, Your Majesty, he is. Replied Clifford, confident in his statement.

- Very well. And you, Captain Iris?

- Everything went smoothly. After battling Atlas Turner, I was able to put an end to his existence.

- What good news! Exclaimed the king joyfully.

But the council members, who had been silent until then, finally spoke up to share their thoughts. Edwin, one of the council members, spoke first:

- These are indeed good tidings you bring us; we never doubted for a second the strength of the kingdom of Valley's captains.

- Good news indeed, but it doesn't meet expectations. Added the other council member, his eyes constantly closed.

It was the old man who had previously presided over Atlas's trial; he had short gray hair, like his beard, and eyes as deep as black holes. Everyone knew him as Elder.

- Yes, Elder is right. Said Bertha, the only woman at the top of the council. "Do you have any proof of these young men's defeat?"

- No need for further proof than my word. Do not forget who I am. I, the...

- ... It seems, Captain Clifford, that it is you who forget who we are. Elder interrupted Clifford, opening his eyes to look directly at him before approaching him. There was a faint glimmer in his eyes, black as the abyss.

With his first step, the atmosphere in the room had changed, and the generals felt a great threat emanating from the old man, while the few guards in the room could barely stand. The king, however, did not react much; he let Elder, the oldest of all in the room, take charge.

Judging by their expressions, Clifford and Iris were undoubtedly intimidated by the aura of this old man, despite Atlas calling him senile.

They dared not even lower their eyes to look at him. Because, although the old Elder stood at 1.60 meters, he was 10 cm shorter than Iris and 30 cm shorter than Clifford. However, when he stood before them, it seemed as if an elephant faced the two smallest ants of a colony.

- If it reassures you, I want you to know that I took the care to send a soldier to retrieve the fugitive's body. Iris said, trying to temporize the situation.

After this intervention, Elder now looked at Iris. Despite her words, he wore a dissatisfied expression on his face before saying to her:

- You could have very well returned with his body, so why didn't you?

- I beg your pardon, esteemed members of the Council. I was reckless.

The conversation was still continuing when a soldier came to interrupt the meeting. He entered respectfully, but his face showed that he had an important and urgent message to deliver.

- Please forgive my interruption, but what I have to tell you is extremely urgent.

- Are you the soldier sent by captain Iris? The king asked.

- Yes, Your Majesty. That's correct.

- In that case, we are listening.

Everyone in the room now paid close attention to the soldier, who came to report without Atlas's body.

"As requested by captain Iris, I went to the site of the battle to retrieve the vanquished's body. But upon arrival, it was nowhere to be found. His body had completely vanished."

Although the situation was already tense, the soldier had more to add:

"That's not all. Upon noticing his absence in the city streets, I asked passersby what they had seen. And despite some reluctance, I eventually learned that a man had taken him away, exclaiming that Atlas was still alive. And only a few minutes later, several carts left the city through the west gate."

Upon hearing these words, Iris couldn't help but display a slight smile of satisfaction, fortunately unnoticed by the people in the room.

The king, meanwhile, appeared shocked by the message, while the council members, who were already on edge, became even more agitated.

The soldier continued to say:

"I also took the liberty of sending some soldiers outside the city, where captain Clifford's battle took place. And... his opponent's body has also disappeared. Perhaps the group that left the city earlier simply saw and took his body, but it would be preferable to consider the possibility that he is still alive."

- IMPOSSIBLE!!! Exclaimed Clifford, who was so sure of himself.

Elder, like the other council members, was fed up with this ton of bad news that put an end to the joy of false good news.

- We knew that Atlas Turner could become a problem for the kingdom and perhaps for all of Aspell. But we have evidently underestimated these two kids. He said, turning back to his comrades.

- ...But... assure me of one thing, Captains of the Royal Army. You did verify that the fugitives were not in possession of the relic, did you? He asked, turning his head slightly to look at Clifford and Iris behind him.

- No! Iris replied sharply.

- I am certain that Lakeman did not have it; I would have sensed it under the influence of gravity. Clifford added.

- Your certainties mean nothing to me anymore, captain. Replied Elder, continuing on his way.

- Well! You may leave. The king said authoritatively to the two captains, who immediately obeyed.


Everyone looked disappointed. An operation they should have easily succeeded in had become a lamentable failure that would certainly affect the reputation of the Kingdom of Valley and also the Grand Council.

"Things cannot continue like this. We must take strict measures against these young men," Bertha said with a very serious expression.

To support her thoughts, Edwin added:

- Indeed, with one of the 5 sacred relics in their possession, we can no longer afford to see them as insignificant kids.

- Do you think their objective could be to... to awaken it? the king asked, slightly stressed.

- It is highly probable, unfortunately. Said Elder, indignant at their situation.

- If they truly intend to awaken the legendary entity, then our world is in grave danger, and we must consider them criminals to be eliminated at all costs. Edwin emphasized.

- Then let us not waste any more time; we must inform all the other council seats of the situation. Bertha said.

The king then added, as he rose from his throne:

"As for me, I will ensure that the allied kingdoms are informed. I will also send Captains Clifford and Iris in pursuit; they will have the opportunity to redeem themselves by bringing them back dead or alive."

- Captain Iris? I no longer trust her. I have a feeling she is hiding something from us. Elder pointed out to the king.

- She is one of our most loyal warriors, fully devoted to the cause of the Deities. I do not think she would make the mistake of betraying us.

- We hope so, King Cirion. And it would be better for her if that were the case. Edwin added.

"...Do not worry, esteemed elders.

Our decision is made. Atlas Turner is our enemy, and all those who ally with him are as well, just like Alpheus Lakeman. These men are considered dangerous because of their objective and their current power, which could very well increase. We must neutralize them as soon as possible, by any means necessary."


Three hours had passed since the departure of the merchants from the city of Solis. And Atlas, his body covered in bandages, finally decided to wake up.

Opening his eyes, he saw nothing but the blue sky and a sun already preparing to set.

Turning his head to the right, he saw Alpheus lost in thought, gazing up at the clouds. He could also see the merchants behind them, vaguely understanding the situation. He tried to sit up, but quickly realized he didn't have the strength for it.

'I can't even get up. It's probably due to my previous use of time magic, combined with my defeat against the captain. I must train my body and mind to master this magic and much more,' he thought, tapping Alpheus's leg to call him.

- Hey! Help me up a bit.

- Hmm! So you're finally waking up. I almost thought you were already dead. Alpheus said, helping Atlas up.

Meanwhile, the merchant who had lent them a hand, noticing Atlas sitting up, said:

- It's a good thing you woke up; now we can talk about serious matters.

- Hmm! What do you want to talk about? Alpheus asked.

- Money! You didn't really expect to receive all this help for free, did you?

- Of course not. Thank you for your help. Replied Atlas. "How much do you want as compensation?"

- Assuming we saved you from certain death, I think 100 gold coins would be perfect. He replied, with a sly grin.

Atlas and Alpheus both looked at the merchant, who was smiling slyly with his eyes closed, before exchanging glances, understanding the situation perfectly.

Others say life has no price, but they both saw things differently. They could have sold all their vital organs and still wouldn't have enough money to pay, because gold coins were very precious, and 100 gold coins was enough to buy a gigantic, luxurious mansion.

- At this point, it's not just a rip-off anymore. Alpheus said, crossing his arms.

- A hundred gold coins, that's a lot, isn't it? Atlas added, shrugging.

- To make it short, you want us to spend a good part of our lives working for you. Alpheus then pointed out, looking at the merchant.

- If you don't have the means to pay us, we might have to turn you over to the Grand Council. We could probably get much more than 100 gold coins.

- Yeah! We could ask for 1000 from the Grand Council.

- I'd say even more, why not 10,000 while we're at it?"

Atlas and Alpheus watched the merchants plotting and amusing themselves with their future profit by turning them over to the authorities. They even allowed themselves to smile at the situation. Until Atlas decided enough was enough:

- Or we could just kick all your asses. He said, adopting a psychopathic demeanor.

- What! You wouldn't do that to people who saved your life.

- No... we would never do that... Haha! Right, Alpheus?

- Of course not! We would never harm our wealth-hungry saviors, who are so greedy as to cheat teenagers.

Tension began to rise slightly among the group until galloping was heard, and a voice suddenly said:

- Let's cut to the chase; give us all your stuff! Ordered a man who seemed to be leading the group.

These people were bandits. They were often found outside cities, lurking for traveling merchants to steal goods from and resell to other merchants in smuggling.

Atlas and Alpheus perfectly understood their situation as well as the situation of the merchants accompanying them. They exchanged smiles, understanding each other.

A certain complicity began to develop between them, and they had a plan to get out of their predicament with the merchants.

Realizing they were under attack by bandits, the men on the three merchant carts, except for the doctor, dismounted to fight to protect their goods. There were six of them.

The bandits, ten in number, also dismounted their horses to begin the fight. Atlas and Alpheus, on the other hand, stayed to observe the situation.

- You're all going to die. The bandit leader said, pointing his machete at the merchants.

- We'll see about that. The merchant leader replied, drawing his sword from its sheath like his allies.

"Merchants like us are often attacked. It's time for us to show that we can defend ourselves," he added before shouting: "Guys, Attack!!!"
