
So the others was same as me, they were pulling by the dark mist. Sigh, what is happening?... Takeuchi thought as he looking around toward his classmates figures.

Not far from Uchimura, a young girl's voice reached Takeuchi's ears, sounding like she was laughing while holding her stomach.

"Pfffftt, you are so unlucky, Uchimura," she said, trying hard to hold back her laughter.

She was Miya Hiromi. Wearing a high school uniform just like the rest, she was a short girl with black hair reaching to her shoulders and a pair of brown eyes.

She had attractive features on her face, which was enough to call her pretty. Her parents were quite rich, but in class, she was quite ordinary.

Takeuchi once heard a rumor that she went to a photo shoot after school. She didn't have a tall body, and that was the reason he didn't believe the rumor.

"Oh, shut up will you," Uchimura rebutted.

"So where are we, in college?" Nakahara interrupted the two after looking around the room. "It looks like we were transported to this room."

"Yes, it seems so." Yoshihama said as he looked around. "I wasn't able to see clearly what caused us to be transported here, but whatever it was, it's transporting us here."

"What happened, we didn't do anything, right?" said Nakahara.

"Yeah, there were a lot of questions too," Yoshihama said as he touched his chin. "Like, where are we? Who is transporting us here? For what purpose are we being transported?"

Silence covered the rooms as the question remained unanswered.

"Alright, we still need to confirm that we had the same experiences," Yoshihama said breaking the silence. "Is there anyone who had different experiences?"

"Yeah, it was the same for me as it was for Nakahara, even more, it was afternoon when the dark mist appears, but somehow the sky in the park changed as if it was already midnight," Takeuchi said as he looked around.

All my classmates were here, this is going to be interesting... Takeuchi thought.

Takeuchi was relive that he wasn't the only one who get transport, if he the only one here, he would not know what he going to happened next.

"Sigh, what a bad day," murmured a young man gloomily, sitting on a long seat couples seat behind from where Takeuchi standing.

He was Murakami Rei. He knew a lot about computers. His hair was messy and unkempt as if he didn't care much about his appearance.

He still wore a uniform like the rest, and there was a hint of sadness in his brown eyes that made people stay away from him.

Takeuchi doesn't know much about computers, so one day he asked him. And a lot of things about the computer he knew were because Murakami told him about it.

Murakami spoke with confidence and authority almost completely different from his usual self when he told him about computers and he always had a lot of topics to discuss. Takeuchi almost had to listen to him all day that day.

"I don't know what happened, we were in our club and I was busy typing on my keyboard, it was then that I felt heavy, when I looked down I realized I was drowning on the floor," Murakami explained with a monotone voice.

Murakami, just looking at him makes me want to sleep, sigh, but you're right, it was a bad day... He thought.

"Anyone else?" asked Yoshihama, which was met with silence. "I guess we had similar experiences back then."

"So what now?" asked Miya, irritated.

"Sigh, we had nothing on us, no explanation, no clues, how about we search this whole room?" Takeuchi suggested.

"You're right, alright, let's look for something useful in the room," Yoshihama said.

There were 24 people in Takeuchi's class, so they split up and went to look around the room.

The room was similar to a college lecture hall, except that there wasn't anything related to college, and only the podium indicated that it was the room for a meeting.

For whatever reason, someone was discussing something in here... Takeuchi thought, observing his surrounding.

Behind the podium was an emblem with a shield and a tower with two moons at its peak, under it was a slit.

It looks like it wasn't built for it, but instead, it was a slit-like something that used to be there.

Whatever it is, it doesn't have anything to do with our current situation, and with how wide and big the room is, whoever built this must be a big organization. I meant it wasn't like I know one big organization but it is like in the movies where there were evil lurking around in here... Takeuchi thought.

They kept searching for something they can use or something interesting in the rooms, but there wasn't anything strange in the room, more or less it was a normal room, and then Uchimura called them out.

"Oy! Everyone, I found the door!" Uchimura shouted as he stood in front of the door.

With nothing to do, they gather around Uchimura, curious about the door.

"It seems it was the only door in this room," Nakahara said, sounding a bit disappointed.

"We don't need two doors, if this door can get us out, it would help a lot, I'm sick of getting trapped here," said Miya, irritated.

"That wasn't what I meant," Nakahara said.

"Alright," said Yoshihama, looking around. "It looks like we won't find anything useful here, how about we open it?"

"Are you sure it was okay?" Takeuchi asked. "I mean, it could be a trap."

"We're already trapped," Nakahara interrupted. "And besides, there's no other way,"

"Alright, let's open it," Yoshihama said. "So who will do it?"

Silent, there wasn't anyone who want to open it.

"If no one has the guts to open the door, I'll do it," Uchimura said, breaking the silence.

Carefully, Uchimura grabbed the handle of the door. As he doesn't get any signs of a trap he breathes in, preparing himself to open the door. "One... Two... Three..." he counted as he was about to open the door.

But with a cracking and bang sound, the door was forcefully opened.

"You..." Uchimura said, shocked.

It appeared someone was interrupted him, and ahead of him to open the door.

"You're taking too long," a young girl with a ponytail and blue eyes said. "Let's just open it,"