Hidden Door

With a heave, they pushed open the heavy door.

It creaked loudly, the sound echoing through the cave of Kobold's den.

The room was massive, and the ceiling was lost in shadow.

Takeuchi feels that, from above, it was something he should not have known.

A glowing torch implanted in the walls provided a dim, eerie light.

It was like a bedroom, with many square tent-like getting erect on both sides of the room.

In front of them were several kobolds, larger and more heavily armored than the ones they had faced before.

The kobold, who looked like a leader as he was sitting in the center front of the rooms, seemingly got interrupted by Takeuchi and Yuri, who had just entered inside.

Kobold's leader then snarled a command.

The several kobolds readied their weapons, eyes fixed on Takeuchi and Yuri.

"Whups! It seems we interrupting something, hehe. Okay, it's now or never," Yuri muttered, her voice tense but playful.

Takeuchi charged forward with a battle cry.
