Another One

White, small dots still appeared in the surrounding black darkness, confirming for Takeuchi that he was indeed in space.

The endless void stretched out before him, a canvas of cosmic specks twinkling like distant diamonds.

And before him was a rowing of floating screens showing each of his memories.

His heart still doesn't beat, but he feels strangely calm by it.

I will call it space floor from now on... Takeuchi thought, the phrase echoing in his mind like a declaration.

He paused to collect his thoughts.

The memories around him felt familiar, each one a piece of his past.

Recognizing them gave him comfort, and he knew they were indeed his memories.

When he stepped forward, there was no sound.

It felt as if he wasn't touching the ground, an eerie sensation of walking on an invisible floor in another world.

Space and its distant stars surrounded him, silent and vast.

As he moved forward, the memories became clearer and more recent.