Serena walked into the restaurant bar with a big smile on her face and another box of baked goods in one hand. She greeted Tia at the door with an energetic "good morning" and excitedly waved at Geale as if she didn't upset him the day before.
To others, Serena's enthusiastic behavior would seem distasteful: an apathetic response to the offense that she committed during her walk with Geale. But to Marnthe who noticed the extra colorful makeup on her face and the cakey concealer on her puffy lower eyelids, it was her attempt at smoothing things out.
"Wow, all of these have hearts now," Tia noted, catching the heart-shaped candy toppings over the rainbow sprinkles on the muffins, brownies, and frosted cupcakes that Serena brought.
"Yes! Because I love everyone!" Serena explained.
Geale tried to smile, confused at what she was doing.