Fenrir was waking up because water was sprayed on his face to make him react quickly, when his eyes were perfect, he could see the elf and the dark-skinned person watching them carefully and attentively. The elf, without wasting time on empty niceties, made it clear to Fenrir that he was going to die no matter what, but if the swindler were cooperative enough with them, the death would be the most merciful and with the least amount of physical and psychological torture. Fenrir blinked a little, processing what was going on and the words of the elven scum who insulted his eyes with his insignificant presence.
"And you? You won't try to tell me something nice like that or better to loosen my tongue, or are you more direct with actions?" asked Fenrir as he looked at the elf's companion.
"The latter, yep, I've never liked unnecessary persuasive chatter when physical torture yields better results to the quest for information."
"Pfff, how basic."