Rescue Part 1

The following day

Sunlia Kingdom

Princess Vanessa Apartments

King Louis entered his daughter’s room. From the moment he stepped inside his room, he started missing his daughter terribly. Sitting down by her bed, he picked up an old photo frame and memories started flashing down the lane and he got emotional as a result.

“ Were I harsh with you these past few years? Have I been a bad father to you? Is that why you ran away from the kingdom? Where are you now and what are you doing my princess? “ The king was holding his daughter’s picture close to him like a treasure.

“ Your Majesty? “

Turning around to the voice, the king saw his wife and empress standing before him. “ It’s you, my queen. “

“ I was searching for you all over the kingdom and this is where you were. What are you doing in Vanessa’s chamber? “

The empress asked her husband and ruler for an explanation to which he retorted, “ I came here to have a conversation with our daughter. “

Noticing the picture frame in her husband’s hand, the king waved at her and said, “ Come closer, my queen! “ The queen stepped forward and sat beside the king.

“ Do you see how cute our little princess was as a child? “ The king uttered as he showed the picture frame he was holding on to which happened to be one of the pictures of when their daughter was really young and still looked like an adorable little princess.

Looking at the picture closely, Queen Elizabeth uttered, “ Yes, she was very lovely. She smiles all the time. Her laugh was so contagious that everyone around her was happy just by seeing her happy. “ The empress grinned slightly at the end of her statement.

“ Do you remember Kim? “ The king brought the queen’s attention to a pet their daughter was holding on to in the photo frame while looking increasingly happy.

“ Yes, I remember. Kim was the first and last pet she ever had. We gifted her Kim on her fifth birthday. Do you remember how happy she was when she held Kim in her arms? “

“ How could I ever forget that day? I couldn’t forget that day even if I tried. “

Fifteen years ago

Sunlia Kingdom

Sunlia Meeting Room

King Louis was tendering to some urgent paperwork when he heard someone knocking on the door. Not caring about who it might be, he simply uttered, “ Enter! “

The one who entered King Louis’s study happened to be his adorable daughter, Vanessa. She was fluffy and cute and was wearing a flowery dress. Standing before her father, she bowed like a true royal belonging to the imperial family. Her bow had a lot of grace and enchantment to it when she uttered with her sweet voice, “ Good morning, father! “

Looking at how lovely his daughter looked, the king grinned slightly before greeting his daughter like a father would. “ Good morning, Vanessa! How are you doing my little princess? “

“ I’m doing fine, father. “ The young princess who was only five years old retorted with an enchanted grin.

“ Did you want something, princess? “ The king asked his daughter, as naturally as possible to which she responded, “ I wanted to show you my drawing. “

The young princess was holding a drawing she wanted to show her father, but as the latter was stuffed with work all over, he couldn’t take a look at it like his daughter would have wanted him to. Looking at her, he uttered apologetically, “ I’m sorry, Vanessa. I have a meeting to attend. I won’t be able to see your drawing. “

The young princess went all quiet. To make his daughter feel better as she had suddenly turned a grim look, the king said “ Why don’t we do this? Leave your drawing at my desk and I’ll look at it later. “

Beaming with joy, the young princess regained her colors. Putting the drawing in her father’s desk as she was instructed to, she walked out happily of the royal study and then when she came back a few moments later—----------

Two hours later

The young princess who was walking toward her father’s study, harboring an innocent grin on her face subconsciously thought along the lines:

“ Dad must have seen my drawing by now. “

Sunlia Meeting Room

When she was standing right across her father’s study, she knocked on it repeatedly, but there was no response coming out whatsoever. Thinking it was more than okay for her to walk inside without getting permission beforehand, she barged into the room and then—-----------

“ Dad, what did you think of my dra----------------------wing? “ The young princess couldn’t finish her statement as she stumbled upon something shocking. It was so shocking that it broke her heart instantly into a million pieces.

“ My drawing, what happened to it? Why is it in the trash can? “

The young princess was saddened to see her drawing in the trashcan and cried her heart out. Her crying awoke her father who asked as he rubbed his eyes gently as he had just woken up, “ Vanessa, what happened? Why are you crying? “

“ Why have you done that to my drawing? If you had no intention of seeing it, you could have refused. I didn’t force you into anything. “


“ Vanessa, what are you talking about? “

Not understanding what his daughter meant and also utterly confused, the young princess ran away from her father’s office, crying even further and said as she ran toward the exit, “ I don’t wish to talk to you. “

“ Vanessa, wait! “ The king tried to stop his daughter from leaving. That was before he noticed her drawing and it finally all came back to him in an instant.

“ Her drawing? How did it get in the trash can? “

Realizing her earliest state, the king mumbled, “ Her anger is justified. “

Princess Vanessa’s Apartments

The king ran after his daughter to apologize, but the latter wanted nothing to do with him. She was too heartbroken to listen to anything.

“ Vanessa, open the door! “ The king banged on the door repeatedly with no success. The queen walked by at that moment and saw him banging on their daughter’s door and wondered what could have happened.

“ Your Majesty? “

Turning around, he saw his wife. Looking very guilty, he uttered, “ My queen, it’s good that you’re here. I made a terrible mistake and I need your help to rectify it. “

“ What happened? Tell me everything without emitting any detail. “

“ What happened is--------------------------------- “

Understanding the full situation, the queen exclaimed, “ I understand! You didn’t do it deliberately. I’m certain that if you explain things to her clearly, she’ll understand. “

“ She’s extremely angry. “ The king uttered as he recalled his daughter’s tears and how heartbroken she was.

“ Let me handle it, Your Majesty! “

“ Alright, I’m counting on you. “

“ Don’t worry, Your Majesty! “ She nodded. “ I’ve got this. “

Some time later, the empress knocked on the princess’s door and just like with the emperor earlier, there was no response coming out whatsoever.

“ Vanessa, open the door! It’s mommy. “

Even though the one knocking was her mother, the princess remained in her initial position, refusing to budge from it. “ I don’t want to talk to anyone. Go away! “

Using her authority as empress, she uttered once more, “ The queen wishes to see you, princess. “

Hearing the tone in which the empress had addressed her, the young princess stood and headed toward the door.

Hearing her footsteps from afar, the empress subconsciously thought:

“ I’m sorry, Vanessa. For you to open the door, I had to use my authority. I’m so sorry! “

Opening the door at long last, the young princess was angry the moment she saw the king, her father. Acting like a true princess and not letting her feelings get the best of her, she paid her respects before the rulers of the empire. “ What may I do for you, Your Majesties? “

First thing first, the empress apologized to her daughter for forcing her to come out of her room against her will. “ I’m sorry, Vanessa! I used my notoriety to convince you to open the door. “

Retorting coldly to her mother, the young princess uttered, “ What are you apologizing for? You’re the queen and you may do whatever you want. I have no say in this. Why apologize to me? I’m just an abandoned princess. “

Hearing those words coming out from his daughter’s mouth, the king was taken with regret and sadness.

“ Don’t say that! You’re in no way an abandoned princess. “ King Louis uttered suddenly, who retorted indifferently, “ What else do you expect me to think, Your Majesty? “

“ You never have time for me. Your imperial affairs are all that matters to you. I’m a princess and I live in this gigantic castle but sometimes, I feel like I’m not in a castle but a prison. It’s a prison where no one ever has time for me. “

“ I know you’re busy with imperial affairs but I’m not asking for the moon. I’m only asking you for a bit of your time. Am I asking too much? “

“ Please, leave your Majesties! I need to rest. “

At the mention of that sentence, the young princess shut her door as the king and queen stood there. Recalling his daughter’s words, he couldn’t retort anything at the time and got even more saddened than before.

“ Don’t be so down, Your Majesty! Vanessa’s birthday is coming up in two days. Use this opportunity to reconcile with your daughter. “

The mention of the young princess’s upcoming birthday lightened up the king’s spirit. “ We’ll organize a banquet; the greatest they have ever been in this castle; everyone will be invited; it will be grandiose. “

Two days later

Sunlia Kingdom

Banquet Hall

“ Happy Birthday, princess! “

“ May you lead a happy life! “

“ These gifts are for you. Please, accept them! “

The young princess’s birthday was going full swing. She received gifts left and right alongside blessings. Thanking her guests for all the gifts she had received so far since the banquet started, Queen Elizabeth made her way to her daughter.

“ This is my gift for you, princess! Happy Birthday! May you always be happy in life. “ The empress extended her gift to her daughter.

“ What is it? “

“ What is it? We all want to know. “

“ Open up the gift so that everyone can see. “ The empress alerted her daughter about the guests’ curiosity.

Princess Vanessa opened the gift and everyone was amazed by what was inside.

“ Wow! What a beautiful gift! An airpin. “

“ If the queen gives this to the princess, I wonder what the king will give his daughter. By the way, where is he? “

Retorting to the guests, the empress uttered in response, “ He had important work to attend to; he’ll attend the party later. “

Hearing that her father wouldn’t even please her with his presence, the young princess was saddened all the more as she recalled her drawing in the trashcan and her father’s words on the same day about her not being an abandoned princess.

“ We know he’s busy, but he could spare a bit of time for his daughter, can’t he? It’s her birthday today. “

“ What would the princess think? “

“ Princess, wait! “

She wanted to leave and just as she was about to do so, her mother, the queen of the empire, called out her name. “ Vanessa? “

Turning around, she saw her mother and subconsciously thought along the lines with a grain of sadness:

“ What did I expect? What was I hoping for? The king doesn’t give a damn about me. “

Two hours later

Banquet Hall

Arriving at long last, the king finally made his appearance, but unfortunately, by the time he arrived, his daughter’s birthday was long over and all the guests were nowhere to be found as they all left early and returned to their respective residences.

“ You’re late! All the guests already left. “ The empress made her way inside the Banquet Hall while the emperor was confused as to the reason why the banquet ended earlier than scheduled.

“ Where’s the princess? “

Sighing, the empress explained the situation to him in detail. “ Several guests were badmouthing about you not being here and Vanessa heard it all and ran away crying. “

“ I messed up again. “ He uttered sadly after hearing how disappointed his daughter was of him for the second time in a row and in less than a week.

Staring at the emperor and ruler of the empire, the empress interrogated him on his whereabouts. “ What took you this long? “

Retorting, he said, “ It was quite difficult to find the appropriate gift. After two hours of searching, I finally found the perfect one. “

“ What is it? “ She asked out of sheer curiosity to which he retorted, “ It’s a surprise! “

“ Let’s go see Vanessa now! “ The empress suggested.

Princess Vanessa Apartments

The young princess heard knocking on the door and engulfed herself deeper into her covers.

“ Open the door, sweetie! I have a surprise for you. “

No replies!!!

“ I know you’re angry, but everything has an explanation. Won’t you give us a chance to explain ourselves? “

Hearing what her mother, the empress uttered last, the young princess opened the door and saw her father at long last.

“ Go ahead! “ The empress looked over at the emperor.

Looking at his daughter, the king exclaimed, “ I know you’re angry, my little princess, because I wasn’t able to attend your birthday celebration, but I have an explanation. “

“ I was out searching for the appropriate gift to give you today on this special occasion. It took me two hours to finally find the appropriate gift for you. “

“ I know it’s late but, Happy Birthday, my princess! I wish you all the happiness in the world. “ “ Here’s my gift to you. Take it! “

Giving his daughter a large package, the young princess looked at it and asked, “ Is this for me? “

Retorting joyfully, the king exclaimed, “ Yes, this is for you; only for you. “

“ Open it quickly! I want to know what gift your father brought for you. “

Unpacking the package with much impatience, the young princess was stunned when she came upon what was truly inside the box.

“ What is it? “

“ A puppy? “