
I cleaned the coffee mugs and trays but I wasn't really concentrating. I wondered if I imagined it. Maybe I was being delusional because of the way he drank his water like some Calvin Klein model that morning or maybe the stress was just getting into my head. I just couldn't believe my teacher was in a band.

I watched how the crowd slowly clear away while Tristan and Kelvin cleared the littered area. I was through with my shift, so I was free to go home.

I grabbed my phone from our personal drawer beneath the table and head to the backroom to change and grab my stuffs. My clothes smelled slightly of coffee and I wondered if that was how I truly smelled everyday.

I locked the door behind me and was about to head toward the front exit when I decided to check the private changing rooms meant for the invited artists.

The door wasn't closed, so I was relieved that I didn't have to be extra careful trying to turn the knob and open it. Of course I wasn't going to go in there uninvited. I opened it a little bit more careful not to make any noise. The room was brightly lit, I wondered how they were able to cope with such brightness.

There were only three people inside, none of them I could recognise. They were supposed to be four, so I assumed the guy I mistook to be my teacher wasn't among them at that moment.

I watched their movement for a while. There were all dark haired but one had some kind of highlights at the end of his head. The one with the highlight was the tallest followed by one with a book in his hand. He stood in front of the mirror, not looking at his reflection but reading the book. He seemed to be in his own world while the other two laughed at something funny the third one said. There was nothing peculiar about the third one.

I realised I must have looked like a creep watching three guys who had no idea I was watching them. So I decided to leave. I concluded the guy I saw earlier wasn't my teacher. There was just no way my teacher was in a band.

And then I heard a voice and a click of a door.

My professor came out, in his hands a cigar and and something that looked like doughnut ?

I guess my shock made me hit my head on the side of the door producing a small hiss from my lips. Apparently, it wasn't small enough to call no attention. All four boys stared at me with amusement clear on their beautiful face.

" Miss Brown" He called out. I wondered how he could recognise me so quickly, I didn't know or maybe I was just the only partially blind one here. I stepped into the room, into the bright light that almost made me completely blind.

" Hi" I said with a straight face trying not to show how nervous I was or the possibility I could pee my pants at that moment. I wiped the sweat that had already formed on my palms on my denim jeans.

They all looked at me with an expression that said they wanted me to tell why I was caught spying on them like a psycho and I watched them like I also had no idea what I was doing there.

" I didn't realise you were in a band" I said the first thing I had been thinking since I saw him on that stage. Well, in a more indifferent tone than it was in my head.

" Well, I never told you" He replied walking to the dressing table that had all sorts of make ups and cameras and what looked like a box of doughnuts. I guess that was what he was eating then. He had finished eating it by now. I watched as he packed the cameras and kept it in a small duffle bag and the other guys packed away the other instruments that they had come with.

I stood there watching like a hawk until he looked back at me with that same questioning look. I realised they must want their space now. Obviously.

I turned around to leave. I felt so embarrassed I didn't even bother to say bye.

Reaching home, I went to my sister's room to see if she was already asleep. It was past her bed time.

She laid in her bed, her brown teddy rested on her stomach. I quickly place a soft kiss on her head and went out softly careful not to wake her.

My room was scattered but I drift my eyes away from the mess and I jumped on my bed. I was too tired so I decided to skip my night reading. One day wouldn't hurt. I rolled over on my bed and stretched towards the small bookshelf above my head and grabbed a novel I was sure I had read more that eleven times. It was The refugees.

I was on page twenty five when my phone started playing that familiar tone. I grabbed my phone wondering who could be the weirdo calling me by this time. I guessed it to be Dianne or my Aunt until I checked the caller ID and saw it was an unknown number. My thumb went ahead to press the red button automatically, hanging up the call.

I closed the book I was reading, already feeling sleepy I could hardly understand what I was reading. I grabbed my phone and plugged it to it's charger that was connected to the socket at my bed side. And then it rang again.

This time I picked up, ready to curse the person on the other side of the line for disturbing my night. I had a long day the next day, so yeah I was in a pissy mood and being caught by my teacher didn't help matters.

" Are you blind or is it 10am where you are living? Go look for someone else to scam, I'm just a broke high school student!" I whispered-shouted trying to get my point across that I was in no mood for their game without waking my Hazel.

" Who got your pants twisted, miss pissy?" A familiar voice said


"One and only" ...

" I can't believe you called me this late because you believe I got into yoga class because of you" I said exasperated with his childish rants. Here I was thinking he got into some trouble. I mean ... It's not every time Skye Adams calls a random nerd attending his school. He has never called me. I briefly wondered how he had got my number in the first place and that was when I remembered I had given him my number when we did a group project in biology in 11th grade. I did the project myself while they partied or whatever the popular group do when they weren't in school.

"What did you expect me to do? I don't want anybody thinking we_ we're seeing each other in secret. You're not my type!" He said in a bored tone.

"Why would people think we were dating in secret because we both registered for yoga class. I don't see anyone looking at me with a side eye because you're in my chemistry class" I rolled my eyes and ignored his comment about me not being his type. He wasn't mine either, so I didn't mind, not like I had even asked him in the first place. But I couldn't help teasing him...

" You know for someone who claims to hate me, you seem to find yourself around me at any chance the universe offers. Like now... you're calling me because I unintentionally registered for the same gym class you're in. I mean, are you that in love with me that you couldn't look for a better excuse to call? " I smirked even though I was aware he couldn't see me. There was silence on the other side.

Is the popular boy affected by my charm?

" Don't flatter yourself", he finally found his voice. " I just don't want people to assume things. My reputation is too important to me, I wouldn't want some lowlife ruining it." I could hear the detest for me in his voice.

His insults just don't do anything to me anymore.

" Well, this lowlife needs her beauty sleep and will be saying bye for now. Sweet dreams, Adam." I said and hang up the call.

I really needed my beauty sleep.

I fell asleep thinking of a wild haired guy in a flannel shirt, with the most luscious lip giving me my own personal concert.

The night couldn't have ended faster. It was weekend already, and it was my day off at the coffee shop I worked.

I decided to make the best of the day, but that's what I say every weekend. But I was serious this time.

I stood up from my bed and went into the laundry room to start with the clothes. I didn't have much to wash. Hazel's clothes occupied the basket more since she had an habit of changing her clothes 5 times a day, I'm not exaggerating! Her almost OCD tendencies can be that annoying. I grabbed the clothes and pushed it into the washing machine, adding the detergent and water necessary before closing and pressing the start button.

I went downstairs to see Hazel eating cereals while she watched friends on the TV.

"Hungry much?" I ruffled her hair before I head to the kitchen to wash the plates we had used the day before. The kitchen sink was bare of any plates or cutleries and I almost gagged from the air freshener I had bought for the kitchen.

Well, perks of having a dirt intolerant sister in the house.

I went back to the dining area where she sat and gave a moist kiss on her cheek knowing it would irritate her and whispered 'I love you' in her ear. She just smiled in response.

I grabbed the box of cornflakes on top of the refrigerator and grabbed a bowl before opening the fridge to take the jar of milk.

"So what do you want to do day or where do you want to go" I asked her, with my mouth filled with cornflakes as I struggled to not spit it out.

She replied with a scrunched face, clearly irritated my my ungirly manner.