Past Events

'As for the Senju clan suffering heavy losses in several ninja wars and thus facing genocide. That's even more nonsensical than the previous claim. The Senju clan, you ask? They were one of the strongest ninja clans, dominating the ninja world since the founding of the shinobi system! Even in the Warring States Period, when the average ninja lifespan was no more than 30 years, the Senju clan stood strong for millennia! So, you're saying that after a few losses in the ninja world wars, the Senju clan perished? Whoever came up with that idea. they might have a tiny bit of brain, but they certainly don't have much.'

Only the last statement holds a bit more water, but it's still quite one-sided. To understand this, we have to start with the renowned village leader, the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju.

Before the establishment of hidden villages, ninja operated primarily within clans, with their interests as the core focus. However, when Konoha was founded, Hashirama Senju keenly recognized that only by breaking down the barriers between Konoha's clans and fostering unity could the village's full strength be harnessed to realize his dream of a peaceful nation! Therefore, Hashirama took the initiative to advocate for the dismantling of clan boundaries, encouraging intermarriage with other clans, and leading the Senju clan by example!

Such a selfless act, sacrificing the interests of his own clan, could only be done by someone like Hashirama Senju. When Aizen first heard of this, he wasn't surprised at all. This was the man who stabbed his best friend in the back, yet justified it with the noble excuse of protecting Konoha's interests, even if it meant killing his own brother, relatives, or even children.

For the sake of Konoha, Aizen wouldn't be surprised if Hashirama did something bizarre and unconventional. However, unlike Hashirama, the idealist, his younger brother, the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju, remained completely rational. He knew that even with the Senju clan's example of embracing intermarriage, it would be impossible for those ninja clans with centuries of history to completely abandon their own interests and fully integrate into the Konoha family. People are inherently selfish.

Tobirama understood that Hashirama's actions would only lead to the decline and disappearance of the Senju clan, without any positive effects. Therefore, he earnestly persuaded Hashirama to allow only a portion of the Senju clan to intermarry with outsiders! As for the core members of the direct bloodline, the tradition of intra-clan marriage was maintained.

However, although Tobirama seemed to have resolved the issue, Hashirama's initial actions had planted a time bomb within the Senju clan. In any world, arranged marriages are rarely popular among the younger generation. If the rules had always been that way, so be it. But when established rules are questioned and proposed to be abolished, it's an entirely different matter.

Hashirama's actions had undoubtedly planted a seed of hope and longing in the hearts of the young men and women of the clan. This seed might have remained dormant during Tobirama's reign. But after Tobirama's death, it finally began to take root. And the catalyst for this incident was the mother of Aizen's body, Masako Senju!

After marrying the original owner's father, she changed her name to Masako Suzuki. Like many young women, she had her own dreams and pursuits of love. Especially after meeting the original owner's father, her feelings grew even stronger! Although the original owner's father had average ninja talent, he was gentle and kind. Most importantly, he was very handsome!

After he saved Masako's life in an accident, everything seemed to fall into place. Of course, if Masako had been an ordinary Senju girl, this would have remained a mere fantasy, impossible to realize. But Masako also held a significant position! She was the only daughter of Senju Chikatsu, once a prominent elder of the Senju clan!

During Tobirama Senju's era, Senju Chikatsu was the second most influential figure in the Senju clan, right after Tobirama himself! Following Tobirama's death, he was the first to address the Senju clan!

Senju Chikatsu wasn't just a high-ranking member of the Senju clan, he was a Kage-level powerhouse in the ninja world! Moreover, in the early days of Konoha's establishment, he had made countless contributions, earning an exceptional reputation. He had also mentored numerous shinobi and younger generations, fostering positive relationships with many. Among them was the current Third Hokage – Hiruzen Sarutobi!

This was also the reason why Aizen received special attention from Hiruzen Sarutobi initially! It could be said that Senju Chikatsu was highly respected and held an extraordinary position within Konoha!

However, even the best people had their weaknesses! And for Senju Chikatsu, his greatest weakness was his daughter, Masako Senju. Masako was his only daughter, and her mother had died early in a mission. This led Senju Chikatsu to dote on his only child excessively. He treasured her like a delicate flower, fearing to even breathe too harshly on her!

Therefore, when Masako confessed her love for someone and expressed her desire to marry. Senju Chikatsu didn't immediately object but found himself hesitant.

He knew that once he made this concession, it would inevitably trigger a chain reaction. Many young people who had long yearned for free love would likely use this as an excuse to choose intermarriage with outsiders. This would inevitably lead to the dilution of the Senju bloodline and cause significant harm to the clan!

However, faced with his beloved daughter, especially when Masako threatened to take her own life. Senju Chikatsu ultimately chose to compromise.

And when he announced the order to change the tradition of prohibiting intermarriage outside the direct lineage, it indeed caused an uproar within the Senju clan! Many young people were naturally excited about this change. But some stubborn old Senju members, along with some far-sighted elders, vehemently opposed it!

But Senju Chikatsu was no pushover! Since he dared to take this action, he was confident in his ability to carry it through!

As expected, faced with the backlash from the clan, Senju Chikatsu swiftly used his authority as the chief elder to suppress the opposition! He also leveraged his connections among Konoha's leadership and various ninja factions! Those who had close relationships with Senju Chikatsu readily agreed.

As for the reason behind their agreement. In addition to their favor towards Senju Chikatsu, the Konoha leadership and other ninja didn't want to see an overly powerful Senju clan. Therefore, they were particularly supportive of this matter!

Through this combination of internal and external influence, Senju Chikatsu forcefully quelled the dissenting voices! The order permitting intermarriage outside the direct lineage was finally implemented.

Consequently, due to the loss of a significant number of core bloodline members. The Senju clan suffered a devastating blow!

Of course, the Senju clan, with their millennia of dominance, had weathered many storms. Throughout their history, they had faced numerous challenges! Logically, with the Senju clan's foundation, as long as they could contain the outflow of bloodline and undergo a period of recuperation, they would undoubtedly rise again!

But then, another misguided decision by the Senju clan's leaders plunged the clan into an abyss from which it would never recover.


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