The carriage galloped into the distance causing the dust to rise and fill the place.

"Don't you want to remove the bullet?" I asked Eve.

She looked at me across her seat as we sat opposite eachother, the carriage still moving against the dusty road.

"I want to, but I can't do it on my own" she whined.

"Don't worry I will help you" I told her.

She limped to my side, as I carefully took her legs placing it on my thigh.

"It's going to hurt," Wolf told her.

"I know… I will be fine" she reassured him.

I looked from Eve to him, there was certainly something going on between them.

Untying the cloth on the wound, dried blood stuck on the outside of the wound and blood also seeped from the wound.

She winced as the wind touched the once closed wound.

I took her feet, placing it carefully on my thigh as I got the penknife hidden in my cloth.

"You had that?" Eve asked and I nodded.

"Why didn't you use it?"