chapter 7. The Zorvath's Next Move

Chapter 7: The Zorvath's Next Move

Kaidën and his friends were on high alert, knowing the Zorvath would strike again soon. They spent every spare moment training, honing their skills, and strengthening their bond.

One night, as they patrolled the campus, they stumbled upon a hidden message scrawled on a wall: "Meet us at the old windmill on the outskirts of town. Come alone."

The message was unsigned, but Kaidën knew the Zorvath's handwriting. He gathered his friends, and they devised a plan.

"We can't go in alone," Lyra said, her eyes sparkling with a magical light. "We need to stick together."

Arin nodded, his eyes shifting between brown and gold. "I'll scout ahead, make sure it's not a trap."

Jax strummed a few chords on his guitar, his yellow eyes gleaming with intensity. "I'll provide backup, keep our spirits high."

Kaidën nodded, his hybrid powers surging. "Let's do this."

With a deep breath, they set out for the windmill, ready to face whatever lay ahead.