Entering Inazuma


Stepping off my little makeshift raft I had officially arrived in Inazuma. It sure was a challenge getting here – no thanks to the Raiden Shogun. Without further ado I abandoned my raft and began to make my way towards Inazuma city.

The Raiden Shogun, better known as Electro Archon put in place a system called the Vision Hunt Decree. It's a process where she strips vision users of their visions in hopes of creating an unchanging nation.

Is there a reason why? Yes! Fulfilling her wet dreams about eternity of course.

The process of stripping ones vision simultaneously strips them of the ambition they once had to receive their vision. In some cases this can leave them as husks of their once prominent selves.

I understand she's meant to be, 'The Guardian of Eternity' but surely there is a better way than this. I guess I can't really talk, I'm not here to help. In all honesty I just wanted to see the sights of the nation and Miss Cry Baby Archon was taking too long to open up shop.

Sorry readers, I'm not some hyped up, over powered MC here to save the day from the tyrannical ruler. Oh no, I'm just an everyday guy who wants to live a comfortable life and maybe write a novel one day.

That last part is still a bit iffy though.


Arriving at the gates of Inazuma city I spotted at least four guards watching the entrance. She either really doesn't want people getting out or people getting in. Judging how these guards are acting, I'm assuming the latter. Luckily for me, I've got a fake Inazuman passport.

I slung my bag off my shoulder and rummaged around in it for a second before pulling out a small, thin book with a purple cover and an electro symbol plastered on its front.

I opened the book to the first page revealing the information about my fake identity.


Name: Elias White

Date of Birth: 16/03

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Homeland: Inazuma

It's a bit of and odd name for an Inazuman but the passport looks so real I doubt they will question the authenticity. If they do have any questions I'll just say my parents preferred foreign names.

I then patiently waited in the line making sure to stay calm the whole time. It may not seem it but the guards here are actually very perceptive – watching everyone's body language for any suspicious activity.

Eventually, it was my turn, I handed one guard my passport and the other my bag. My bag consisted of the normal things you would take on a holiday such as; toothbrush, toothpaste, spare clothes, towels and some fake souvenirs to make it more believable that I'm returning from a long holiday that started before the vision hunt decree began.

As I had expected the security guards suspected nothing and shortly after the security check I find myself walking through the gates of Inazuma City.

"I wonder what I should have a look at first?" I uttered my gaze quickly scanning across the many restaurants, shops and other facilities that I walked past as I made my way through the city.

From my peripheral vision I spotted something which interested me. A book shop. A man was calling out into the sea of people the names of many different books in successful attempt to draw in customers.

The line from the store trailed all the way back down the path ending near the gate. Huh I wonder how I didn't spot that when I first entered?

Trying to find a reason for the influx of customers I walked closer to the front of the store and read a sign gently resting beside the shop.

Limited Deal

Books signed by the Guuji Herself, Lady Yae Miko.

The sign was simple yet successful. Books signed by an important figure. She may not have written the books but it's obvious from the queue she's very popular here in Inazuma.

It's a shame the place is so busy. I guess when they sellout the signed books I'll come back and visit the shop – surely the line will be shorter by then.

Walking away from the store I comtinued to make my way through the city. The sights – as I'd expected – were magnificent. Beautiful cherry blossoms and calming waterfalls gave the city a serene atmosphere, an atmosphere that made my entire being feel content just walking through.

I slowly made my way up the large stair case which looked over the part of the city I had just walked through. For a moment I stopped, to catch my breath. Taken away not from the flight of stairs, but instead the spectacle before me. The warm glow casted by the setting sun on the lively city.

Arriving at the top of the stairs I noticed Katheryne, the receptionist for seemingly ever adventure's guild in Teyvat. I'm convinced there are only three ways to explain her existence. One, she is part of an incredible large family of identical twins. Two, she is a robot. Finally, Three, She's an omnipresent Goddess.

The third one seems less likely but hey, you never know.

Opposite the adventures guild was a pleasant, calm looking food shop. Shimura's, the sign read. Feeling a bit hungry I walked over and sat on one of the stools outside of the shop.

Patiently I waited for the old man who ran the joint to finish preparing the other guests' food. As I waited I scanned through the menu looking for a meal I'd like to try.

I'm quite hungry so I guess I should get a meal to try. But which one? I pondered at the menu until the old man tapped my shoulder.

"Huh?" I uttered as I looked up to see who tapped one me. "I'm ready to take you order kid." The old man said with a light smile.

"Oh? you work fast sir." I completed him, when I first arrived the people before me had just started placing their orders. "It's all experience." He responded with a prideful smirk.

"Anyway what's for today huh?"

I slowly directed my gaze back down to the menu, pondering once more and then looked back up to the old man. "I'll just have the Tonkotsu Ramen, please." The old man nodded and then turned to his stove, swiftly preparing my meal.

Not even 20 minutes later the old man placed the bowl of food and chopsticks on the table in front of me. He had prideful smirk as he spoke.

"Enjoy your meal young man." I nodded in response snapping the chopsticks apart, "I will thank you." The old man then left me to my own devices, probably going to serve another customer. I wasn't too sure, rather I was too focused on the divine smelling food in front of me.

Using my chopsticks I grabbed some noodles and with my spoon I ladled some of the ramen broth. Without further distraction I ate the noodles and slurped down the broth. A magical sensation blessed my taste buds as they danced in a harmony of joy. This food was amazing, like nothing I'd ever tasted before. I could practically taste the years of experience it took to create this masterpiece.

Finishing my meal I let out a deep breath of satisfaction. The after taste from the ramen still lingered on my lips. "Hey old man, you can rely on me returning." The old man who was cooking didn't turn back to me but I could here his chuckle, "Good to hear you enjoyed your meal, kid." I let out a small laugh and placed the money I owed on the counter.


"5,000 Mora.. For that exquisite meal?" I said to myself awestruck as I continued to make my way up the city path. It was dark now, the streets were quieter and the lights from houses and lanterns placed along the path gently illuminated the streets.

Despite the lack of people in the area a lot of guards were still obviously stationed around this city. Guess the Shogun's real serious about people not getting in.

I crossed the bridge towards Tenshukaku's gates, curious to see how it looked but a particular stone statue stopped me in my tracks. Once again curiosity got the better of me and I began making my way towards it instead.

The statue depicted a woman sitting with her hands on her lap. She had her eyes shut gently and wore an odd pendant, it resembled and eye surrounded by two wings. Though these weren't what interested me most.

Sprouting from the statue's back were two symmetrical feathered wings with what seemed to be eyes plastered on them. With cherry blossoms hovering through the gentle breeze the statue was a magnificent sight.

A wonderful depiction of the… I quickly took a peak at the sign by the statue. "Omnipresent God?" Well I have no idea who they are but I respect the art I guess.

Sort of looks like Istaroth though.

(A/N) I welcome everyone and I thank those who came from my other book.

As always short prologue, I hope you enjoyed because writing this first chapter was a lot of fun.

If you guys also like this I will try and entangle the plot of this book and my other one, seems quite fun.