The Baby Is Coming


Dr Nicholas lets us enjoy the view for another twenty minutes then flicks the machine off. He gets up and removes his gloves then tosses them off to a nearby bun. "So far, everything is going on well. There is nothing to be alarmed about. There are Ni red flags. You two have been doing a great job, and I'd urge you to keep doing it. Just make sure you do some exercise. It will be good for you and the baby. Walking is always good."

"Miles tries to get me to walk every evening." Arlo adds, looking sheepish. "I don't agree all the time though."

"Well. It is important that you keep in shape. You will need a lot of energy when the baby comes." The doctor shrugs. "Keep nagging him, Miles. He will be grateful for it in the end."

"I will try." I shrug. "He tends to get surly most of the time."

"Would you two quit talking about me like I'm not here?" Arlo frowns. "I will try and take more walks. I promise."