Time To Settle


My older brother Sasha sits behind his desk in the study, looking displeased. His eyes glimmer with frustration as he leans on his elbows. He eyes me intimidatingly. If Sasha weren't my brother, I'd be practically peeing my pants right now. As ruthless as Sasha can be, I know that he would never harm a hair in my head.

"You can't just spend all day being a lollygag." He says finally.

"Lollygag?" I laugh. "I don't think that's what I do. I just went to the art gallery opening. I just made an appearance for the family. Community relations you may say. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have had the desire to go anyway."

"Liar." Sasha barks. "I know because you told Mother that you couldn't wait to see the new watercolors.